Declaration Of Independence Purpose

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The purpose of The Declaration of Independence was to announce the United States of America 's separation from Great Britain. The creation of this document defines the beginning of a new chapter in human history. It briefly explains the unfair laws and taxes that were imposed on the states for a number of years. The king ignored previous letters and warnings sent to him by congress. He also abused his power and quartered troops to prevent protest. In result of the Kings actions our nation chose to declare independence. The 5 principles of the declaration listed below gives an insight into how life was in the colonies and how they believed they should have been treated, as they stated in saying "We hold these truths to be self-evident." The phrase "all men are created equal" simply means that all men were created equally under the authority of god. The colonist couldn 't live under Gods law and the kings law at the same time. King George had separated himself so far from Gods authority it would go against the colonist …show more content…
He denied the colonists ' right to self-government and created a harsh unfair judicial system. He created tons of taxes that affected the colonist trade. He forced them to quarter his soldiers and removed the right of trial from a jury. Also the king refused to protect the colonies ' borders as well as their ships at sea, and hired mercenaries to fight against rebelling colonists. Colonist tried to negotiate with the king but were continually ignored. After trying numerous times to settle peacefully the colonists got fed up and created the Declaration of Independence to separate themselves from Great Britain. They Called their new nation The United States of America and had no ties to Britain at all. The new government had the ability to start wars, make alliances with other nations, conduct free trade, and have all the rights that other nations

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