Public Education Problems

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The public education in the United States has become one of the largest and most magnetic changing quality control problems in our modern community of people. One of the biggest problems is a lack of money available for public education in the United States. Education is an issue that touches everyone’s lives in one way or another. Whether you are a parent, student, teacher, taxpayer, or employee, the effects of education on humankind can be seen every day. For this reason, public schools are a top concern among political leaders. Over the past twenty-five years, confidence in the nation’s public school system has very much gotten worse. While the public mostly seems to support their school district, criticism is not lacking. The last few years …show more content…
Has Obama and his administration made good on his education promises? Let’s rewind the tape, and look at what’s been done in the last four years to promote change. President Obama has expanded support to help more students afford college, while calling for a shared responsibility in tackling rising costs. America is home to the best colleges and universities in the world — and increasing college attainment has never been more important to our economic competitiveness — yet tuition and fees have skyrocketed over the past decade, making it more difficult for American families to invest in a higher education for their future. Today’s college students borrow and rack up more debt than ever before. In 2010, graduates who took out loans left college owing an average of more than $26,000. Student loan debt has now surpassed credit card debt for the first time ever.
To date, President Obama’s Race to the Top initiative has dedicated over $4 billion to 19 states that have created robust plans that address the four key areas of K-12 education reform as described below. These states serve 22 million students and employ 1.5 million teachers in 42,000 schools, representing 45 percent of all K-12 students and 42 percent of all low-income students nationwide. The four key areas of reform
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The most important thing they bring to the table is the high standards that they set. With most of the students wanting to accomplish at such high levels this creates a very positive learning condition for students to excel in. With these high standards and positive learning. As the private school has many advantages which convince parents to enroll their children in a private school, yet it has a several disadvantages which would make them think about enrolling their children again. For example, we all know that the private school gives more services inside the school than a public school, so most of private schools are highly expensive. Some parents don't have the ability to register their kids in a public school. So that is a big disadvantage for public school expensive

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