Gun shots all around you. Soldiers falling one by one. An agonising image no one can get rid of. As Australian soldiers return home nothing would seem the same to them. Brave men and women who served the country have to continue with a personal battle, a battle with the world of chaos known as post-traumatic stress disorder. PTSD shatters a person's perspective of the world. It drains the positivity from your mind and replaces it with negativity. Everything becomes dangerous, no one will be safe and there is no hope.
Post-traumatic stress disorder is a form of anxiety …show more content…
When people engage in stressful social interactions, they make eye contact, talk and listen in order to calm themselves down. In addition, people can have a 'fight-or-flight' response when they believe they're in danger. The fight-or-flight response is the psychological response that prepares a person to either fight or flee from a threat, attack or harm. This causes their heart to race faster, blood pressure to rise, their muscle to tense and increase in speed and and strength. Once they believe the danger has passed, their nervous system returns to normal. Lastly, immobilisation is when the danger has passed, but they cannot move on from the event which causes them to be stuck within the event. This is known as …show more content…
A once bright loving man changed after experiencing horrific life changing events- in the face of death. Decades onwards he was still experiencing PTSD and still couldn't remove his painful memories. Leyton was like any other war veteran experiencing PTSD. He would trap himself inside his "box-like house" and distance himself from the world. Leyton was a lost man who lost all faith in God. He had a negative view of the world as he told Joseph Davidson, "there is no God, I know that... but there are devils... there are plenty of