These three clauses mentioned are the steps that are necessary to become a part of the civil commissions. Nomination is by the President, and is absolutely voluntary. Appointment is another act of the President which is voluntary and for a substitute for the President; the Senate can give written consent. Commission is the duty of the Constitution and is the job of the President as well as the Senate used to commission all officers of the United States. Marshall goes on to say, “the government of the United States has been emphatically termed a government of laws, and not of men. In simple terms he is saying that the government is not in the business of providing for their people, instead they are systematic and follow a set of rules that were created by their forefathers.” (John Marshall, 1803)The problem that lies within this is that there is no remedy for exploitations of a vested legal right. These sets of rules were also not created for minorities or for women and the rules are slandered towards one race and …show more content…
Judicial powers are stated in the Constitution and we labeled the Supreme Court, and those courts that are below the highest in the land, congress has the obligation to establish these courts.
Distribution of power allows the Supreme Court to have the final say-so in cases involving: ambassadors, other public ministers and counsels. During any other cases the Supreme Court should have the power of court review and the ability to change the outcomes of the lower courts final deacons.
Thus the question that will arise is that, if an act is untasteful in the Constitutions terms can the law become the law of the country, this should be an interesting topic for elected officials. It seems as if the country that we live in are stuck on the old principles that have been used and not deciding based upon the circumstances of a case.
American reason for prominence has been that the country that we live in is one of true happiness and that the people have the right to establish principles for their future government. Those that have the authority to make rules are supreme and these rules are designed to be a permanent stamp on