What is the best treatment for my teeth? Because there are so many options available in cosmetic dentistry, it can be difficult to decide which ones will work for you. While you might think that you'll need partial dentures to have perfect teeth, your dentist might instead recommend tooth whitening and a root canal. Only after consulting …show more content…
While a dentist is a trained professional, there may be some treatments that aren't comfortable for you. For example, you may feel better about pulling out a tooth entirely, rather than getting a root canal. A good dentist will explain all your options and help you weigh the pros and cons of each choice. Since cosmetic dentistry can be expensive, he or she should also be able to help you weigh costs against the potential results.
How long will the results last? Some types of whitening treatments may only last a short time or may only last with assistance from treatments done at home. On the other hand, dentures or implants can be permanent, or close to it. With cosmetic dentistry, a lot will depend not only on how much care you put into your teeth, but also your overall health. If you are older and have osteoporosis, your implants may not last as long as someone who is barely out of his or her teen years.
What sort of guarantee do you offer? With any cosmetic dentistry procedure, there is always a risk that the results may not be quite what you expect. If your dentures come back and you think that they look crooked in your mouth or if they don't feel like they fit correctly, you'll want to know what your options are. A good dentist will tell you up front how many adjustments he or she will perform at no additional