Pros And Cons Of Cloning Research

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Have you ever wonder the dangers of having another on of yourself? “Would you be one-of-a-kind?”(Eyes of Nye) No, you would not be one-of-a-kind anymore. Why? Well, because the clone would have the same DNA as you, and would even look the same. Cloning research should not continue because it can be harmful, and it makes you and I no longer special in our own ways/one-of-a-kind. Meanwhile, if you have a twin, it’s totally different from having a clone. You’re still one-of-a-kind. Why is it different? Well simply because you both have totally different DNA. There still is “two” of you , but you’re still one-of-a-kind. The clone is exactly you though. Also the money it makes to clone yourself, is at least $50,000 dollars. That’s so much

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