My Model of a Great Leader Annie Dodge Wauneka, a member of the Navajo Nation was known as public health activist and a leader on the Navajo Nation. She was born on April 11, 1910 and passed away on November 10, 1997. She began attending boarding school in 1917 when she was 8 years of age. While attending boarding school, she developed an interest in Public Health. Where there was an outbreak of tuberculosis and she assisted with the nurses in tending the sick.…
Her philanthropic involvements within her community showed her will to donate time to civic causes and actively help other…
Nancy Reagan Nancy Reagan was one of our country's most important first ladies. She was married to the 40th president , Ronald Reagan. During her time as first lady, from 1981 to 1989, she had a great impact on the United States. Nancy dedicated much of her time to helping charities and organizations. However, before she became the first lady she had a successful career of her own.…
The recognition of Mother Teresa’s charities created international expansion within the Missionaries of Charity (Mother Teresa Biography 1-3). In 1965 Pope Paul IV gave the decree of praise to the organization (Mother Teresa Biography 1-3). The Royal Consort handed over 34,000 in European money to distribute between the organizations (Hitchens, Page 66). She was awarded the Jewel of India and the Soviet Union’s Gold Medal, from the Soviet Peace Committee. In 1979 she received the Nobel peace prize and was recognized by the world vision’s president, Robert Seiple, as a woman who “beckoned us outward to see, to feel and to respond to the needs of society’s casts (Whitehead…
She gave the HIV/AIDS community some peace to sleep at night knowing that the world finally understood their constant battle against the deadly autoimmune disease…
The Holocaust was a terrible thing that happened in the European continent, it all started January 30, 1933 and ended May 9, 1945. The camps that Jews were held up in were very brutal it is very shocking but fortunate that some survived. I am going to be talking about who I believe deserves the medal of honor for their role during the time of the Holocaust. All of the choices for this reward all deserved it in there own way.…
Eleanor Roosevelt was born in October, America and died in New York in the month of November 1962 and she was Franklin Roosevelt’s wife, the first lady of America (O'Farrell, 2010).Eleanor’s parents were Elliott and Anna Roosevelt whereby she grew up in a wealthy family who were committed to serving the community. However, Eleanor’s at the age of ten years went to stay with her relatives after the death of her parents. The coursework explains how Eleanor Roosevelt positively impacted the society within the period of her leadership. Eleanor started her job of political wife after Franklin won the Senate seat of New York. Nevertheless, Franklin was later on appointed as the assistant secretary exposing Eleanor to official office making her…
“With the new day comes new strengths and new thoughts,”- Eleanor Roosevelt. UNICEF is in need for a spokesperson. UNICEF needs someone who is persuasive, kind, compassionate, empathetic, knowledgeable, hardworking, supports education, supports gender equality, supports racial equality, and has experience with children. Eleanor Roosevelt has all these traits. Mostly Eleanor is empathetic, compassionate, and knowledgeable.…
Katniss Everdeen is portrayed in the hunger games as Ambition, Rebellion ,and Inspira- tional. I. Introduction II.Ambition A.Detail/Evidence/Explanation : Throughout the years , Oprah Winfrey has shown as to be a strong-will and also purses her goals. Over the years , Oprah has focused her energy on creating The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy Foundation. Oprah has had many success in wanting to be accomplish in her lifetime. 1.…
Mitchell Shaw Mrs. Way Eng III Dec, 7, 2017 Mitchell Cannon Shaw’s essay over “The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne in 1850 I. Intro Intro Intro…
How can one person, whom most people have never met, influence the lives of people in the world today in such positive ways? Oprah Winfrey has been able to persuade and inspire many people around the world today because she has simply believed in herself and the good of the people. As one of the most influential, dynamic, and powerful women of today’s society, has devoted her life’s works to influencing the people of the world. Millions of viewers tune in daily to be educated, entertained, or simply enlivened by Oprah as she visits them in the company of their own home. Oprah’s show has been so successful because of the ways in which she thinks and believes.…
The Diana of Canada Canada does not have a president, nor does a first lady; there is a Prime Minister instead. Then how to address the spouse of prime minister? Is there an official title referring her or him? After interviewing with French newspaper Le Soleil, “I have three children at home and a husband who is prime minster. I need help.…
Death of Princess Diana Hero: (noun) A person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. This definition is one of the many word’s that would be used to describe Princess Diana. Diana was the Princess of Wales and was and still is idealized by many. Diana was the world’s sweetheart not only for her personality but her actions too, but was it her actions that got her killed?…
Mary Fisher’s “A Whisper of AIDS” speech is arguably one of the most important speeches ever given in American history. When discussing the epidemic of AIDS, Fisher gives a voice to the victims who do not have the power to be heard, she makes the audience realize that change needs to be made because not addressing the problem just because it is not your problem, only makes it worse. She changes the mindset of many people as she gets her point across the audience that people with AIDS are human to. The relative ignorance about the topic is the primary reason that made this speech necessary, her flawless execution of informing the Republican Party about AIDS is what made it so monumental in the first place. This speech opened up many opportunities…
Her speech reflected her dedication to God as well as all the people she wanted to help out and serve. Even though her speech was of gratitude, she also used a lot of emotional appeals as well as ethical to inspire her audience. She even…