( /38)
Multiple Choice:
(Five Points)
Which state was the “First Continental Congress held”?
It was held in New York.
It was held in Rhode Island.
It was held in Philadelphia.
It was held in Pennsylvania.
2. Captain Thomas Preston was the leader of which group(soldiers) in the “Boston Massacre”?
He was leading the Spanish.
He was leading the British.
He was leading the Russians.
He was leading the Native Americans.
He was leading the French.
He was leading the Colonists.
3. Who said “Give me liberty or give me death.”?
George Washington said this quote.
Dwight D. Eisenhower said this quote.
Donald Trump said this quote.
Patrick Henry said this quote.
4. Who thought a government that didn’t give its citizens “life, liberty, and ownership of property” should not govern? Abagail Adams thought this. King Phillip thought this. John Locke thought this. Benjamin Franklin thought this. 5. What does “Act” mean? To pretend to be someone or something else. To do something. Multiple Choice(More Than One): (Three Points) 6. What were the “Navigation Acts”? The colonists had to take in cargo that came from British ships. People from the colony’s could get whatever they want. The colonists had to accept things from Britain only. Whatever the colonists wanted to sell they had to sell it just to Britain. Britain went to America if the colonists wanted them to. True/False: (Two Points) 7. “King Phillip’s War” lasted about a year. True False 8. “King George III” said, “No settling west of the Application Mountains.” False True Matching: (Four Points) 9. Who did the Stamp Act affect? The colonists had to buy sugar and molasses from Britain only. What was the Sugar Act? Everyone. When did the Molasses Act take place? Colonists had to give a British soldier food and a place to stay for a night if needed. What did people have to do during the Quartering Act? Before the Sugar Act. True/False: (Five Points) 10. The “Non-importation Agreements” was when the colony’s purchased cargo that was taxed. True False 11. Samuel Adams lead the “Sons of Liberty”. True False 12. Samuel Adams didn’t talk about “Taxation Without Representation”. True False 13. Britain used “Parliament”. False True 14. John Hancock was one of the “Sons of Liberty”. False True Multiple Choice: (Three Points) 15. In the “Stamp Act Congress”; how many representatives showed up? All thirteen from each colony. Twelve of them from each colony(minus one). Nine of them from nine of the colony’s. Ten of them came from ten of the colony’s. 16. What did “Parliament” say to the colonists? “We will stop sending over ships.” “We will tax you however we want.” “We admire your stubbornness.” “We can agree that this is doing nothing.” 17. What happened in the “Townsend Act”? Things were sent from town-to-town. Everything was taxed. Lead, paper, glass, tea, and paint was taxed. Most taxes were cut. True/False: (Five Points) 18. Britain/England called it the “French-Indian War”. False True 19. People from the colony’s stole and used the tea during the “Boston Tea Party”. True False 20. The “Tea Act” was when Britain put high taxes