In this fight against preventable diseases the more people with immunization to viruses helps to isolate incidents and effectively deal with the afflicted individuals, these large groups of immunized people is commonly referred to as “herd immunity” (The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases). Herd immunity only work when there are enough people with the vaccination to prevent the spreading of that certain disease; choosing not to immunize your child lowers the percentage of vaccinated people in the community and increases the risk of a pandemic for everyone (Bailey). By banning unimmunized individuals from public places the community essential keeps this herd immunity intact by not allowing those who are not vaccinated in their surroundings. Vaccination is a need of society in order to retain a population that promotes the creative mind to focus on innovation rather than trying to eradicate diseases that could have been prevented. Constitutional rights, a topic which the opposition says will be violated by banning unvaccinated people from entering public places, but they are forgetting that their rights can in no way interferer with another person’s rights. Take the example of smoking cigarettes near or around potentially combustible locations, yes they are limiting your right to the pursuit of happiness, but they are also taking steps to preserving the lives of others by banning smokers from accidentally catching fire to gas leak and killing hundreds. This directly applies to those who are unvaccinated, although you don’t plan on intentionally spreading infectious diseases you increase the chance that everyone else in your vicinity could catch and spread the same disease; leading to more deaths than just that individual’s life (The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases). If students are going to go to a publicly funded school or location it is only fair that they must have their proper vaccinations in order to attend or be in that vicinity, so
In this fight against preventable diseases the more people with immunization to viruses helps to isolate incidents and effectively deal with the afflicted individuals, these large groups of immunized people is commonly referred to as “herd immunity” (The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases). Herd immunity only work when there are enough people with the vaccination to prevent the spreading of that certain disease; choosing not to immunize your child lowers the percentage of vaccinated people in the community and increases the risk of a pandemic for everyone (Bailey). By banning unimmunized individuals from public places the community essential keeps this herd immunity intact by not allowing those who are not vaccinated in their surroundings. Vaccination is a need of society in order to retain a population that promotes the creative mind to focus on innovation rather than trying to eradicate diseases that could have been prevented. Constitutional rights, a topic which the opposition says will be violated by banning unvaccinated people from entering public places, but they are forgetting that their rights can in no way interferer with another person’s rights. Take the example of smoking cigarettes near or around potentially combustible locations, yes they are limiting your right to the pursuit of happiness, but they are also taking steps to preserving the lives of others by banning smokers from accidentally catching fire to gas leak and killing hundreds. This directly applies to those who are unvaccinated, although you don’t plan on intentionally spreading infectious diseases you increase the chance that everyone else in your vicinity could catch and spread the same disease; leading to more deaths than just that individual’s life (The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases). If students are going to go to a publicly funded school or location it is only fair that they must have their proper vaccinations in order to attend or be in that vicinity, so