Pluralism is described as, “an open, participatory style of government in which many difference interests are represented.” In the eyes of many pluralism is a good idea because it gives people the opportunity to share their opinion and wants of the public in a political perspective. While yes, many support this idea, there are a few who doubt it. Just like any other idea there will be flaws and the author clearly states what those flaws are in terms of pluralism. The two main theories are demosclerosis and the power elite theory. Demosclerosis covers the concept of there being a high amount of interest groups and people that it is slowing down the process of American policy making. The power elite theory can be explained as a handful of wealthy individuals having an extensive amount of control over government
Pluralism is described as, “an open, participatory style of government in which many difference interests are represented.” In the eyes of many pluralism is a good idea because it gives people the opportunity to share their opinion and wants of the public in a political perspective. While yes, many support this idea, there are a few who doubt it. Just like any other idea there will be flaws and the author clearly states what those flaws are in terms of pluralism. The two main theories are demosclerosis and the power elite theory. Demosclerosis covers the concept of there being a high amount of interest groups and people that it is slowing down the process of American policy making. The power elite theory can be explained as a handful of wealthy individuals having an extensive amount of control over government