Pluto gives off many different types of radiations. One is infrared light waves. These waves are emitted by cool clouds of dust, and many planets, including Pluto …show more content…
Visible light waves are absorbed by the medium it reaches depending of the mediums makeup. They are also the only light waves that humans can see with the naked eye. The color that we see from the wave, depends on the wavelength of the wave that is absorbed. The reason we can see certain visible light is because the matter the waves hit reflects that wave, and absorbs all of the others light waves of different wavelengths. Visible light is emitted from nearly everything in the universe. Experts can detect visible light waves through polarized lenses, telescopes, and space shuttles. The light rays from the Sun hit Pluto’s outer surface. Depending on the wavelength, most of the light waves are absorbed into the planet, the remaining light waves, which happen to be a mixture of blues, are the ones that we see. When we use polarized lenses, we are able to see certain characteristics of the planet from the filtering of certain light waves. The dwarf planet Pluto absorbs all colors except certain blues. These are the colors that humans are able to see. The colder an item is, the lower amount of energy it has. This often results in blue coloring as blue has low amounts of energy on the visible light color scale. Pluto has mostly blue coloring, letting us assume that it has a fairly cold …show more content…
X-Rays are the range of radiation residing between ultraviolet and gamma rays. When trying to detect X-rays, we are able to use scintillation detectors. The scintillator consists of a transparent crystal or an organic liquid that reflects or glows when is hit with radiation. When the photon radiations*, meet with the scintillation detector, they are broken down into a large amount of smaller photons. These photons are measured and combined in order to discern the original radiations energy level. Scintillation detectors are able to identify clouds of dust and particlls surround Pluto’s outer surface. From this, we canalso figure out the energy levels and density of the