The story starts off on a boat where Edward “Teddy” Daniels (Leonardo DiCaprio) and his new partner Chuck Aule. They are heading to an island; Shutter Island. It is a home for the criminally insane. They were asked to investigate the disappearance of a patient named Rachel Solando. They had no clue to where she disappeared too. The only clue was “The law of 4; who is 67?”. Teddy finds it odd when all the staff, including the lead psychiatrist (Dr.Cawley) would not let him review the files and Rachel Solando’s doctor simply disappeared to go on a vacation the day before. Teddy finds it very weird as he is called for an investigation but is not given the necessary excess to do so. Plus, Teddy and Chuck are not allowed to explore …show more content…
He tend to dream about his past war days and his dead wife, Dolores Chanal. He believed that his wife died in their apartment building by the man working there, Laeddis. Daniels later explained that he took the case because he knew Laeddis was on Shutter Island, Ward C.
The suspicion kicked in, when suddenly Rachel Solando is found back in her cell, somehow she just appeared. Everyone acted as though it was normal. Daniels however, was not satisfied. They asked him to return back to the mainland, however he can’t, due to a storm. He eventually ventured out to Ward C, and meets George Noyce, another patient that Daniels said he knew. Noyce explained that the whole island is playing a game on him. He also told Daniels that incurable patients are sent to be lobotomized at the lighthouse.
Daniels sets out to the lighthouse with Aule (Chuck). However, they got separated. Daniels saw Aules’s body down on the cliffs, by the rocks. He tried to climb down. However, he stopped at a cave, where he found Rachel Solando (the missing patient) !. She explained that she was once a doctor, but was admitted as a patient because she knew they were using the medication to control the minds of its …show more content…
Cawley explained that the several days was designed to help Laeddis’ conspiracy-laden insanity and to help him realize who he truly was, so they created a method to help him recover. Dr. Sheehan posing as Aule and a nurse posing as Rachel Solando, were part of the test, and the migraines that Laeddis suffered were withdrawal symptoms from his medication, as well as hallucinating the "real Rachel Solando". As memories of reality and realization that Daniels was only his play, this overwhelms Laeddis, and he faints.
Laeddis awakes in the hospital, under watch of Dr. Cawley and Sheehan. When questioned, Laeddis tells the truth in a coherent manner, which satisfies the doctors as a sign of progression. Nevertheless, Dr. Cawley notes that they had achieved this state nine months before but Laeddis had quickly regressed, and further warns that this will be Laeddis' last chance to redeem himself.
Sometime later, Laeddis relaxes on the hospital grounds with Dr. Sheehan, but calls him "Chuck" and says they need to get off the island. Sheehan nods to an observing Cawley, who gestures to the orderlies towards Laeddis. As he is about to be taken away, Laeddis asks Dr. Sheehan, "Which would be worse? To live as a monster, or die as a good man?", and then calmly leaves with the orderlies to be