Public space in the context of this argument can best be defined as a place, area, or space where anyone can self-elect to be in or apart of for example a park, the highway, or in the wilderness. Now in contrast to public space, private space is an area where one or two people have access to and are free to express themselves in any way they feel appropriate for example one’s room, or even a dorm room. In between the privacy of private space and the open air of the public space is common space, which is an area where there are barriers to enter such as qualification, money, or membership for example a college class room, entering gyms, and sports team’s locker rooms. These are all important spheres to understand as they give us an understanding as to when and where we should be using our
Public space in the context of this argument can best be defined as a place, area, or space where anyone can self-elect to be in or apart of for example a park, the highway, or in the wilderness. Now in contrast to public space, private space is an area where one or two people have access to and are free to express themselves in any way they feel appropriate for example one’s room, or even a dorm room. In between the privacy of private space and the open air of the public space is common space, which is an area where there are barriers to enter such as qualification, money, or membership for example a college class room, entering gyms, and sports team’s locker rooms. These are all important spheres to understand as they give us an understanding as to when and where we should be using our