Summary of 47th Mary McMillan Lecture Stop for a just a second and think about yourself in the next 40-50 years. Imagine what your life looks like as an elderly person. Can you imagine yourself traveling the world, seeing sights you’ve never dreamed of and being able to keep up with your grandkids at an amusement park? If not, how do you get to that vision you see? What if I told you that Physical Therapist may be the answer.…
He encouraged me to keep a positive mindset and to adhere to therapy, so I could go back to training as soon as possible. He was a very nice person and made me think of going into this field as a career. After my therapy, I returned to the training and attended the sports meeting. It was a sunny…
As a child, when someone asked what I wanted to be when I grew up I would always answer that I want to help people. I might not have known at the time what the field of occupational therapy entailed, but I now know this is the field that will allow me to achieve my dreams of touching as many lives as I can. I believe that the best way to do great things is to make difference in someone else’s life and to love what you do. I believe that occupational therapy is the way I can truly make a difference and I can’t wait to be part of such a tremendously rewarding and diverse career by working closely with people and helping them progress closer to their goals of living an independent life My interest in occupational therapy began while pursuing…
Recently a clients who is someone that is not afraid to just speak on anything whether it be offensive to someone in the room or not. He began to speak about politics and his fairly strong opinions while another client was in the room. The other client was someone who cared to just not show any interest in his rant but did seem uncomfortable. I believe I would hand this situation close to the same that the Physical Therapist did. I would try to diffuse this situation by changing the subject and trying to direct conversation in another direction.…
While I was there I soon realized their job really interested me, and from then on that’s what I’ve wanted to do as my future career when I got older. I feel like I would make a great physical therapist assistant because I would like to help people who has been hurt get better and function…
One’s personal core values are there to guide behavior and choice. Get them right and you'll be swift and focused in your decision-making process while having a clear direction for your life goals. Leave them ambiguous, and you'll constantly wonder why things aren’t going the way you planned. Although your personal core values may not exactly match anyone else's, they still help you determine your surrounding culture.…
In the time I spent with Ms.Roberts I found that Occupational Therapy has many doors to it. There are many different paths that one in this field could take, which to me is very exciting. She suggested that when I do my practicum or observation hours to try it in different areas. This made me think of what path I would want to take and I feel I lean more towards kids, but would open minded about any path available to me. I also learned that everyday there is a new challenge.…
I am intrigued by observing all ages, because seeing the progression and digression of the human body will be a key factor in how to treat patients when I become a PTA. The most interesting part of this day was learning about trigger point dry needling, also known as intramuscular manual therapy, from the director of physical therapy at TOC, Mr. John Williams. Also, I enjoyed Mr. Keith explaining things like isometric and isotonic muscle contractions. When a young male disclosed his story of hyper extending his knee in a soccer game, I was eager to see the Isokinetic machine aid in his quad strengthening with eccentric loading. The most valuable thing I learned from this job shadowing experience was that patients are not only coming in for physical therapy.…
Physical therapy is a great career because they offer opportunities for advancement and one-on-one interaction with people or animals. Physical therapists demonstrate exercises and help people become more mobile. Physical therapy has been around for centuries. World War I proved that there was a need for physical therapy when women were recruited to help in the treatment and the rehabilitation of wounded troops. The Bernard Becker Medical Library documented that, 'the first school of physical therapy was established at the Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington, D.C. after the outbreak of World War I, and 14 additional schools were established soon afterwards.…
Occupational therapy, has been a dream career as early as the age of eight. As a kindergarten student, I began to receive occupational therapy services, not quite understanding what this was or why I was having to be pulled away from my friends. As I grew, these OTRs and COTAs , who worked with me on my sensory needs and my educational demands, made a great impact and steered my goals and dreams into this field. Having five years of occupational therapy made a huge impact on my grades and self-regulation.…
Each patient that I met had a different and unique story. They weren’t just patients to me, they were more than that. I wanted to see them grow and heal. This is when I realized that I needed to make the next steps to be a Physical Therapist.…
2. There are additional issues other than reimbursement that are impacting the physical therapy profession. Robert Berkley and Pete Privitera made it clear that co-pays are another major issue currently in physical therapy. “The increase in co-pays influences how often patients attend physical therapy sessions”, Berkley explained. Privitera added that, “being in a small rural community people find it hard to pay that cost up front and as a business we had to change some policies and practices to help accommodate them or face the possibility that many wouldn't return to continue treatment.”…
Understand Significance Of Physical Therapy Nowadays sports physical therapy provides cutting edge technology, it deals with rehabilitation of problems and sports-related injuries, prevention, evaluation and treatments. Mostly physical therapy involved in improving athlete's performance. Furthermore, it involves areas like improving mobility, agility and balance and reducing injuries. Improving balance is essential for preventing injuries as well as for enhancing better performance. In sports physical therapy New York City, reducing seriousness and frequency is essential goal.…
I personally want to enter this career field because I feel I could tolerate and enjoy this field of work as it contains many of my interests and I feel I would be unhappy in most other work settings. Physical therapy is an interesting field for me due to the tasks the job includes. The duties of a physical therapist are to physically assist patients in curing their various conditions through…
Throughout the semester, we have written several writing assignments that have been able to show my strengths and weaknesses in my writing. Writing this cover letter is giving me the opportunity to reflect on my writing and review how my writing has improved throughout the semester. In this portfolio, I have included Writing Project One and Deep Revision. These are the very first and last essays I wrote and I picked these two to show how my writing has changed over the semester.…