Physical Changes During Early Adulthood

Superior Essays
Early adulthood characterizes individuals 20 to 35 years of age, who are typically energetic, active, healthful, and centralize romance, family building, companionship and careers.


Physical changes in early adulthood are too slow and steady to notice. The cardiorespiratory system generally doesn't change much during this time period (Berk 342). In healthy individuals, the volume of blood pumped during one heartbeat doesn't change much during adulthood. Most of the changes that occur to the heart during early adulthood, a decrease of maximum heart rate, and a greater rigidity of the heart muscle, are caused by a decrease in strenuous exercise. Due to a cut down in cigarette smoking, the number of heart diseases dropped noticeably since mid-twentieth century, with a larger decline in the last 20 years (Berk 342). However, while the heart and lungs experience very few aging related conditions during early adulthood, the rest of the circulatory system can be susceptible to more severe effects.

Furthermore, motor performance shifts exceptionally due to
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There are three stages everyone has to go through to make their selection: the fantasy period, the tentative period, and the realistic period. During early and middle childhood, children start fantasizing about their career options; thus enter the fantasy period. Typically, glamour, familiarity, and excitement are taken into account. Between the age of 11 - 16, the tentative period happens. This is when adolescents evaluate their career choices more carefully. They consider their interests and become more aware of personal and educational requirements for different career path. Lastly, by the age of late teens to early twenties, with the awareness of practical adult realities, young people start to narrow their options as the realistic period arrives (Berk

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