Persuasive Essay On Ebola

Improved Essays
As they say history is often destined to repeat itself however, more recently in our lifetime the way in which we communicate information with each other has changed drastically due to the advent of social media. So we must analyze new occurrences as they happen in this fast changing society and find new ways to avoid their downfalls. Scott C Ratzan, Professor of Sociomedical Sciences at Columbia University and Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Health Communication, in his scholarly article “Ebola Crisis—Communication Chaos We Can Avoid” attempts to analyze the recent over exaggeration of the Ebola Outbreak in America. The major points made in this essay are attention to the actual panic that fast accessible under researched news can cause and the proceeds to explain how simple it would be to avoid this panic by either avoiding this type of news all together or at the very least …show more content…
A little background on the subject is offered in regards the disease being considered an epidemic in other parts of the world, it wasn't until American news stations began reporting on it that the mentions of it on social media outlets rose rapidly. He then goes on to quote many professional’s public statements on the outbreak in The United States and the fundamentals of the disease. These public figures give statements that offer factual evidence readily available to the public however not as readily as social media unfortunately.
The many public figures that were quoted by Raztan as reputable sources included the Center for Disease Control, the Surgeon General, and HHS Secretary Burwell. These sources that are reachable by the public offered information pertaining to the outbreak and how the disease is spread. Raztan uses these sources as an example of serious solutions that could easily solve the disastrous miscommunications caused by people receiving information from non-approved

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