How would like to be known as someone else’s property? Well, in the book Of Mice and Men, Curley’s wife is known as just another one of her husband’s belongings. No one ever called Curley’s wife by her real name. Calling a person by someone else’s name makes them seem apart of someone and not their self. Of Mice and Men symbolized many things, but especially showed how women weren’t treated the same as men. It also showed that women didn’t have much of a choice on what they wanted to do for a living, and that that women have it extremely good today and should be thankful.
Curley’s wife wasn’t suppose to talk to any male that worked at the ranch. If she did, Curley would get very mad and most likely mistreat her. When Lennie told Curley’s wife why he can’t talk to her, Curley’s wife replied, “”I get …show more content…
I think women shouldn’t be offensive about being sexist anymore, and be more grateful on how good we have it today. Although sexism is still out there, and is crucial in certain countries, we are still very lucky to live in America. Everywhere around us, you constantly hear that you can be whatever you want and follow your dreams, and it’s true! A woman has the same rights as a man! Women can vote, be a doctor, an athlete, and can even be the president of the United States!
Of Mice and Men symbolized many things, but especially showed that women weren’t treated the same as men. It also showed they didn’t have much of a choice on what they wanted to do for a living. The book made me, a girl, more grateful for my opportunities too. Curley’s wife not being able to talk to men and being held back from her dreams, just because she was a girl, showed that men and women weren’t treated equally in the late 30s. Characters in the book not calling Curley’s wife by her name, but referencing her to her husband and not herself, symbolized how powerful and important names truly