I had no clue what it was at first. I stood for several minutes, staring at the structure that lay in front of me. The mystery piqued my interest, and I was eager to know more. I notice a ranger leading a tour and slip in among their group. The ranger often used the names, "Wilbur and Orville." At first, I paid no attention to it. As the names recurred, I realized they were the same two names that were on the granite pillar. "They truly are special," I observed. I strayed from the tour to glance at the facts listed on the walls. "Orville Wright - Born August 19, 1871. Wilbur Wright - Born April 16, 1867. There were those names again from the monument. I read on. "...several invaluable contributions to the world of aeronautics..." "Took flight in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina on December 17, 1903." All of a sudden it hit me. "That's what that weird structure was! It was their plane, the one they took the first flight with!" I scamper back through the crowds to where the plane is displayed. Venting with excitement I notice all the different mechanical components of a plane. "Hmm. Those are the controls. The flaps in the back, they are the elevators. Those slits in the wings have to be ailerons!" Ah, I had no clue that I was in such a magical place. …show more content…
Here, maybe thirty meters from where I stand, the Wright Brothers flew for the first time. How could I have been so oblivious of such important men? I ran from the plane, weaving between spectators as I make my way outside. The open rolling hills I had once glanced at indifferently had come to life. I envisioned Wilbur himself up in the sky. I stood and turned slowly in a circle with my eyes on everything to explore. I run, fast as ever, to a hill that overlooked the complex.
On top of the hill, I look down upon the magic of the museum. I could see far out to the road by which the sight is accessed. "Wright Brothers National Memorial" I faintly made out. I run fast along the gentle hills. I imagine that I am flying high in the air with Wilbur as we make history. Wilbur and I land just before the building's entrance. I run in and look for the very park ranger that had "led" me on a tour.
I find the group of equally interested tourists meandering down the far side of the museum. I nestle my way in towards the front, ready and eager to learn more. I heard talk of how they were inspired by a helicopter toy their father had once bought for them. I could also recall hearing that the brother's mother, Sarah, was mechanically inclined. All of these incredible facts about two invaluable brothers. Before I knew it, the tour was over. The ranger gave a gentle farewell, and the tourists dispersed. I, however, wasn't done. I was so eager to learn more and more. It was as if there were this supernatural spark within me. I tracked down the ranger among the crowds. I asked him if he could give me another tour, but he declined. He then proceeded to go on some rant about children being accompanied by adults. I zoned him out, however, and drifted once again towards the famous aircraft. I stood at the edge of the enclosure, pushing against the railing. In the span of no more than half an hour, I had become fascinated. I look around over my shoulders, fairly empty. There were a few scattered tourists and a ranger would occasionally come through, but otherwise, it was clear. Stealthily, I push myself over the