While working in Romanian orphanages this past summer, I learned how each child presents their own challenges as they learn, and communicate differently. In a short time with a great deal of patience and dedication I learned enough of the language as I led games, bible studies, and helped children with conflict resolution. These qualities are valuable to educators as patient teachers are needed in the process of understanding each student regardless of their backgrounds. Secondly, my experience at Nightlight drop in taught me how to develop friendships in an inclusive community for individuals who face poverty, disability, abuse, and drug addictions. In return, the adults taught me how to truly value and understand people regardless of their life experiences, abilities, and socio-economic status. I learned that educators’ true role in society is to establish a community that will help students feel valued and supported not only academically, but as people. …show more content…
The most memorable teachers in my life were the ones that deeply cared for student’s overall well being and not just their academic success. These types of teachers inspired me to become the role models to students that those teachers were for