Penny Dbq Analysis

Improved Essays
How would you have responded to this question, had it been assigned to you?
If this question was assigned to me, I would have chosen to defend the penny because it is too important to American society.
Review the documents. Which documents would be helpful in supporting the position you chose? How would you construct your essay to include these documents? Be specific.
To support my position, I would choose to use Source A, Source D, Source E, and Source G. I would use Source A to show that some economies, such as the Tennessee economy, heavily depend on the production of the penny. I would use Source D to show that the penny is still popular with the public, and the penny is very important to the American pricing system. I would use Source
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This three point difference can be justified by looking at the individual strengths and weaknesses of the essay. In student response 1A, the student uses six of the seven sources to support their argument that the penny is important both economically and historically. This essay is both intelligent and persuasive, and the organization is clear. On the other hand, student response 1B has an argument that lacks both development and depth. The argument had potential; however, the execution was poor, so this resulted in a three point difference in score.
What might the writer of 1C have done to improve his or her score? Where did he or she miss an opportunity to improve upon the argument presented?
The writer of student response 1C wrote an inadequate essay that scored only a three on the AP exam. Their essay lacked a clear thesis, and the writer did not fully develop their ideas. Also, the writer had a lack of understanding of the elements of analysis and a lack of composition skills. The presented argument could have been easily improved upon if the writer took more time to find good supportive evidence within the provided documents. This may have helped the writer develop a strong and persuasive

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