Cannabis, cannabis, cannabis; easily one of the biggest recreational drugs, however, does the worlds most popular drug have any side effects? Well that is exactly what the film “The Downside of High” presented by David Suzuki aims at examining. The documentary takes a look at a bunch of different studies that have taken place since the late 1980s and how those studies help clarify the topic of pot and schizophrenia. Some of they key points that the films put out is that most people who eventually develop a mental illness have been found to have smoked cannabis in their teenage years. To find out exactly how cannabis affects the human brain, researchers preformed brain scans on two groups, which had both smoked pot, one with a known case of schizophrenia and another group that did not.…
Should We Decriminalize Cannabis? For every action there is a reaction, the decision to legitimize or repudiate the use of cannabis goes beyond ethical opinion. When weighing the data provided, could the use of cannabis become more detrimental or become an aiding factor into society? Just like everything else that had its time in prohibition, could there be more uses of cannabis than thought to be? Might it be possible to provide and instruct the use to the masses in order to ensure safety throughout the environment?…
One main part of 12-step recovery programs is the processing of personal memories that produce shame, hurt, or resentment, followed by voicing these feelings to another human being(Scheve, Tom). Currently the medical use of marijuana is legal in 23 states. There are many advantages to the medical use of marijuana, however there are just as many unknown effects of the drug. Some of the big advantages to the legalization of medical marijuana are; slowing and stopping cancer cells from spreading, preventing alzheimer's disease, relieves arthritis, and can control epileptic seizures. Most of the effects of marijuana come from THC, this is also the active ingredient in marijuana that causes the recreational user to feel the “high”(Kabir, Sumaiya).There are economic advantages to legalizing weed also.…
For example, when students graduate college and start their first job they will not be able to depend on their own mind to deal with stressful situations. Because Adderall gives students the power to complete a task, students will want to use this drug as a way to do their work for them mentally. Adderall is as bad as drinking alcohol for an escape when emotionally unstable because the human body will start to depend and ask for Adderall when a stressful stimulant is encountered. Since the students who use the stimulant do not have ADHD the “misuse of [Adderall] over time can result in severe psychological or physical dependence.” (Chalk Talks- Adderall Abuse: Regulating the Academic Steroid) Even if the student/user of this drug is doing work physically with their own body, their mind will always have help from the chemicals that block out the distraction.…
There were a total of 30 participants in the experiment. This was not a huge amount of participants, but it was enough for the researchers to maintain more control in the study. The participants were children (ages 7-11) and adolescents (ages 12-16) who were diagnosed with MDD at least 5 weeks prior this study in the NYS Psychiatric Institute in New York City. Before the study began, the researcher made sure the participants were not receiving any medications or therapy after being diagnosed to prevent any alterations in the results. Participants were going to receive $500 at the end of the study as a reward for participating.…
Drug laws must be reformed to be more lenient on users, and more geared towards rehabilitation for drug addicts than towards punishment. To discuss whether mind altering substances…
Legalization of the drug is one of the rising issues in the United States. There are some states in the United States, who have legalized drugs, which were once considered illegal in other states. Today, every individual has different views about the use and the legalization of illegal drugs. The behavior of an individual, not any affect him or her but also affects the people around them. Whereas, in the 21st century, everyone has the will to choose for themselves and everyone is well aware of the consequences of using drugs in their life.…
Society have been questioning if the incarceration of nonviolent drug offenders and the use of the three-strike law is correlated to the rise of prison population. There seems to be several beliefs that those who are drug users are violent individuals or that the use of drugs can lead to questionable behavior due to the effects that it have on the brain. Though all drugs are psychopharmacological agents, not all of them are the same. Drugs, such as marijuana, cocaine, and methamphetamine, brings out different reaction out of each user. In regards to both mind and body, people have different reactions to different drugs, and different reactions to the same drug.…
Throughout centuries of human existence on earth, the use of marijuana has been debated frequently. Dating back to about 2737 B.C. the herb was used for anesthetic purposes during surgeries and other types of procedures. Now, in 2016 it has been legalized medicinally in twenty-eight different states and recreationally in eight states. The conflict of this plant is essentially the effect which is known as “getting high”. Although a lot of people believe it to be harmful and dangerous, what if it’s actually helpful and not a risk?…
Actor Carson Kressly once said, "People are much deeper than stereotypes. That's the first place our minds go. Then you get to know them and you hear their stories, and you say, 'I'd have never guessed.' " This statement is very appropriate when talking about the stereotype of all Jamaicans smoke marijuana because the facts run much deeper than stereotype. Additionally, the intriguing stereotype of all Jamaicans smoking marijuana has many religious roots, impacts on health, and Jamaica as a country is mainly against it.…
Therefore, regardless of the fact cannabis utilization does not have the evidence-based controlled trials to merit the beneficial use required for prescriptive authority, the trials to date, alongside the successful historical use of cannabis in treating ailments as compared to other viable solutions, may possibly oblige no further studies to demonstrate its therapeutic worth (Bostwick). 1. “Traditional Eastern medicine met Western medicine when W.B. O’Shaughnessy, an Irish physician working in Calcutta in the 1830’s wrote a paper extolling “Indian hemp” (Bostwick 173). “The list of indications for which he recommended cannabis-pain, vomiting, convulsions, and spasticity-strikingly resembles the…
This paper was prepared for Psychology 1030,taught by Professor Maggie Wharton, Fall 2014 Legalizing Marijuana Practical uses for marijuana, also known as hemp and cannabis, can be traced back as far as 2700 B.C. in China. Additionally, in the world’s oldest pharmacopoeia, also from China, drug recipes for more than 100 ailments including, gout, rheumatism, malaria, and absentmindedness were treated with marijuana. Non-medical uses for marijuana in ancient times included paper and sailcloth making as early as 1000 A.D. in the Arab world and continued to be used as such well into the 1800’s in Europe and its colonies.…
Legalize Marijuana One of the greatest debates across this country right now is the topic of whether or not marijuana should be legalized. Marijuana is currently legal in some forms in 23 different states. The majority of those states have legalized marijuana strictly for medicinal reasons, while in only four of those states is recreational use of marijuana legal. Marijuana, also known as cannabis, is commonly perceived as unattractive and useless to most Americans. They see it as addictive and a gate-way drug.…
To date, the topic of Legalizing Marijuana has been an ongoing issue in society for a long time. However, people still do not know whether marijuana is good for the health or if it simply causes negative effects to the human body. Some believe that using Marijuana will embed side effects to people having red, blurry and bloodshot eyes, slow reaction time, addiction and a lot more. While because of its therapeutic nature, marijuana has on the other hand, been perceived to be beneficial to the treatment of several conditions including: cancer, stimulation of appetite, glaucoma, epilepsy to stop convulsions, and multiple sclerosis to decrease muscle spasms. All of these factors contribute the issue of whether or not the legalization of marijuana…
Drug and alcohol abuse has been an ongoing issue for individuals and is considered a social problem in our world today. Drug abuse is considered a social problem because although it affects the abuser in many negative ways it also flows out into society. Stimulants, Depressants and hallucinogens are types of drugs that come in different forms, such as, cocaine, tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, and LSD. Furthermore, each form can have different methods of use, immediate effects and potential long term effects. The National Institute on Drug Abuse discusses the costs and affects that drug abuse places on not only the abuser but society.…