As a matter of fact, Immanuel Kant is a German philosopher who accounts for the free will of the individual and giving the autonomy to an individual to choose for themselves. In his book, he has discussed …show more content…
Negative freedom accounts for more individual choice and free will, for example, if we look into the above scenario of the man who wanted to use crack cocaine before going to the office. He is not concerned about the people around him, he is only concerned about his own happiness. In addition, the positive freedom accounts for both the individual freedom and for society. In positive freedom, the basic goods are shared in the society, to increase the empowerment and freedom in the society. Whereas, the individual has to be lower than the society, in this way it would promote the idea of socially independent society. For example, if someone decided to use drugs on a daily basis but, her friends and family warned them about the harmful effect she would have in her upcoming life because of the daily of drugs. In this case, firstly the person is well informed about the harmful effects, whereas the family or friends which are a trying to educate her is also her well-wishers. Even though a third party is coming in to inform you but they are helping you in living a better life for yourself and also helping you in restoring you into your normal life. This might affect an individual’s freedom, but it might also save them from using them to means to an …show more content…
Kant’s theory is very perfect, but when you live in a society with family, friends, and community you have to take care of their wishes you. You can’t always make the decision for your own self. Although, I agree every individual should be allowed to make decisions on their own basis sometimes we have to look for the greater good of the society. Especially on the sensitive topics like drug use, abortion or national security, the government has to look for the greater good of the people for the people of United States. In the philosophy of Kant, he is more concerned about the presence of the individual’s, whereas Mill talked about calculations and observations which accounts both for present and future