With the Motion Sensor set on ‘Short Range’, it got as close as 0.12 m to a target before incorrect readings are shown. This distance was determined from the point where the motion sensor moved towards the distance where no readings could be obtained after which, it reversed to the 1-meter distance where the readings were picked up by the sensor. This trend is illustrated in Figure 2 where the graph bottoms and levels out on the parabola before rising up once more. When the Motion Sensor was set to long range, the closeness to the target was no different from the ‘short range” setting, that is, 0.12 m. Afterwards, the readings became…
The objective of this lab was to figure out how to determine the range from a given set of velocity and height from the ball. The height of the ball when it leaves the horizontal projectile is at 93.5cm or .935m. The velocity of the ball was .0674 seconds in the range of .1 meter. Creating a total velocity of 1.484m/s.…
The Sniper and Cranes have differences that give two opposite ideas of the story. The main focus of The Sniper targets the civil war and the repercussions that follow it, whereas Cranes focuses on the loyalty one has to family and friends. The Sniper expresses the toll the war has taken on the soldier and how it affects him by giving detail about the feelings and thoughts he has about the war. The author wants the reader to know that the sniper is dedicated to his duty and does not think twice about the decisions he has to make. In Cranes, the opposite occurs; Songsam goes out of his duty and gives Tokchae the chance to escape instead of taking him to be killed, as he volunteered to do in the first place.…
Record the height (Y_0) of the projectile and find the corresponding time of flight using the equation t=√(2Y_0)/9.8. Place the plastic ball into the launcher and use the push rod to load the ball until the “3rd click” is heard. Press the Start button on the Smart Timer and pull the launch cord. Record the horizontal distance (X) traveled by the projectile and the time from the Smart Timer. Repeat steps 2-4 five times.…
[CENTER][img]http://i.imgur.com/LJpth5J.png[/img][/CENTER] [HR][/HR] [CENTER][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=5][U][B]Special Enforcement Bureau Tactical Medicine Unit Manual[/B][/U][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [HR][/HR] [U][SIZE=4][CENTER]Introduction[/CENTER][/SIZE][/U] What is a "SEB medic" and what does it take to become one? Tactical medicine is a specialized and highly discriminating endeavor that requires intensive training, discipline and a unique relationship with law enforcement. Tactical medics have the primary responsibility of providing medical care to the SEB team, but their duties extend far beyond that task.…
Thaddeus Lowe and the Union Army Balloon Corps did not contribute greatly to the overall effects of the Civil War, but it was the first time that aerial observation had been used to gather intelligence. With over 3,000 ascensions and providing support to numerous campaigns, it had proven to provide the foundation for future aeronautics today (Green, 2014). (Army Balloon, 2012).…
The Parachutist’s Wall and the Stairs of Death: The Holocaust Labor Genocide How do you properly describe the most repulsively gruesome genocide known to man? There are no words in existence that can express the horrors of the Holocaust. Led by Adolf Hitler, the Nazis swept through countries and took millions of people as prisoners. During this approximately seven year period, many people of varying races were exterminated through terrible methods of torture. KZ Gusen, a German sub-camp, laid claim to two infamous structures: “The Parachutist’s Wall” and the “Stairs of Death”.…
Learning Objective: After modeling for a class and practicing portioning shapes into two equal parts as a class, students would be able to portion circles and rectangles into two equal shares, with 80% accuracy. Applicable Common Core Learning Standard: CC.4. MD. 3 Apply the area and perimeter formulas for rectangles in real world and mathematical problems.…
I've generally trusted that I have a solid sense of leadership abilities, however being a Soldier has genuinely offered me some assistance with realizing what it intends to be a genuine leader. It is my conviction that all Soldiers in the armed forces are leaders and that with the end goal anybody should be an incredible officer. Being an enlisted Soldier, there's a lot of information that is found out through involvement to pick up administration abilities that an officer ought to possess. To me, being an officer likewise implies that one should be an extraordinary follower. Being an enlisted Soldier, throughout my previous twelve years, has had a positive effect much all the more so on that conviction.…
Sacrifices are made for many different reasons in a person’s life. Whether they are sacrificing their time for another person, their money to get a new car, or even sacrificing their own life. When making a sacrifice, people can consider the kind of sacrifice it is, what they stand to gain, and when the sacrifice is appropriate. Sacrifices are an important part of life. How many different types of sacrifice are there?…
Purpose: Measuring ‘g’ by dropping steel ball and Ping-Pong ball from the same height and record the time for each dropping. Then, using the equation “h=1/2g*t^2 to calculate ‘g’. For precise, we still need to find ∆g, therefore, the final data about g=gave+∆g. Method: Before we start to do the experiment, we need to find a position which can except the wind and flat ground.…
Unit 3 Discussion In mathematics, squaring a number is basically multiplying it by itself. It is simply impossible for two different numbers, when squared, to give the same results, because all positive real numbers have two square roots; a positive and a negative. For instance, in the following problem,(x^2=4) although it may seem as (x = 2) is the only solution, that is not true. If you solve using the Square Root Property, you can conclude that there are two solutions; (x = 2 or x = -2).…
There are many famous and influential mathematicians that have done many wondrous and extraordinary things, some of these range it Einstein, newton and to pascal. But one interesting one in particular is Pythagoras. Pythagoras is one of the many famous mathematicians that has lived on the earth. What he did in math helped shape math to what it is today. Some things he did was learn math and science as much as he could, create the useful Pythagoreanism, and help progress the advancement of mathematics.…
Introduction A lens is an object that forms images by refracting light. The images formed can be magnified, real and virtual depending on what lens used and the set-up of the lens system. There are two types of lenses, converging and diverging lenses. Converging lenses cause parallel light rays to converge to a point.…
Chinenyenwa Amaechi Dahiya AP Calculus 16 October 2015 Every student who has ever asked an older adult for help with their math homework is very familiar with the phrase “This is not the type of math I did growing up”. The mathematics we have today greatly differs from that of earlier generations and time periods due to the dynamic nature of this field of study. Throughout history, many important individuals have contributed to the field of mathematics and have helped develop the theories, postulates and mathematical rules which are widely accepted today. From the quadratic formula to the trigonometric functions, these people have revolutionized the way we view mathematics in unimaginable ways.…