The Tradeport provides 140 acres of cargo ramp that can be accessed directly by truck (through the-fence access), or via truck dock through air cargo sort/staging facilities (Air Cargo 2013). There is currently over 500,000 square feet of cargo warehouse space, with aircraft parking available for up to 27 all-cargo wide body aircraft parked in two rows (Air Cargo 2013). In total, the Airport has 14 cargo buildings with 253 truck docks, providing access to 630,440 square feet of building space and 237,450 square yards of dedicated air cargo ramp (Air Cargo 2013).
The airport has 2 fixed based operators on the property to support general aviation aircraft. The FBOs on the property include Atlantic and Signature. Atlantic FBO has the largest ramp space on the field and can provide fuel and hanger space 24 hours a day. Signature FBO has 11 acres of ramp space and can provide 15,000 square feet of hanger space and fuel 24 hours a …show more content…
The Orlando Executive Airport (KORL) is located 7 nautical miles to the North of Orlando International. KORL is designated as the primary general aviation reliever facility to Orlando International Airport (Community 2016). An interesting fact is the airport manager for Orlando International Airport also manages KORL (Airnav 2016). Due to the fact that both airports are managed by the same entity I couldn’t find any news related to conflicts with KMCO and KORL. There is a caution statement in the Notice to Airmen (NOTAMs) for KORL that states, “VFR ACFT ARRIVING/DEPARTING EXECUTIVE ARPT EXERCISE CAUTION DUE TO SMALL AND HEAVY TURBO-JET ACFT TRANSITING ARPT TFC AREA 2000 FT AND ABOVE ON APCH TO ORLANDO INTL ARPT 5.6 MILES SOUTH”. Kissimmee Gateway Airport (KISM) is located 11 nautical miles south west of KMCO. No NOTAMs existed for airspace issues regarding traffic arriving/departing KMCO. No geographic obstacles are highlighted on in the approach or departure areas for the KMCO runways on the sectional chart (Airnav