As such, the reality is that minority students are overrepresented in special education services (Zhang, Katsiyannis, Ju, & Roberts, 2014). The questions asked on assessments, and primary norming group are White, middle class, American children. I do not diagnosis children, but I do qualify children from services within the school setting. This can be especially troublesome when the child’s …show more content…
Most recently, the presidential election has brought to light some concerns. Specifically, my fear comes from the worry having access to health care, educational changes in the future, and the status of immigrants. This election in particular has been especially hard in the realization that history seems to have not come very far. I was under the impression that men and women were moving towards better equality, but following the current results that is not necessarily true. That has been my personal process and reflection on the situation; however, I cannot imagine how other individual’s feel, especially when consider deportation being an …show more content…
According Barone (2016), immigration has a predominate part of American society. Multiculturalism has also followed the immigration of others, however the standards of the process has not changed (Barone, 2016). Historically the fears of losing power and privilege has also been mentioned and discussed. The fears are not new and the concern for the integrity of American culture persists. However, Barone (2016) believes that change in law will not develop change systemically. History has indicated that much has not changed in how diversity and multiculturalism is approached. The foundation seems to lie in the notion that there are difference, and those differences should be explored. As discussed in class, the actions and behaviors I display are required factors to enact changed rather than assuming others need to change. When considering the process of multiculturalism, it is a complex and intertwined. This does not seem to be one answer, and in many instances, the answer will be dependent on the individual in question. I cannot assume the experience of one individual will match with the experience of another. Having commonality creates connection, but allows uniqueness to shine though. I have to make sure that my students, community, and self does not assume that there is a common experience between race, sex, or religion. Each individual will have their