Opioid Addiction: A Case Study

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Next. I thought it was important to understand exactly what addiction was and in what cases addiction altered the lives of individuals. With a background on addiction to drugs such as heroin I was able to have a better understanding as to why people who were suffering from PTSD used these prescriptions in the first place and how they helped these vets to cope and live their life. After reading and educating myself on how prescription drugs go from helping one cope who comes back from a tour to live to turning into the only thing keeping someone who experiences PTSD to survive. At first I turned to the Bridgewater State University Library database and searched key terms that would give me a better background on my topic such as “Opioid Addiction …show more content…
By adjusting the time period on my search I was able to take articles not only from the 1950s but incorporate newer ones from 2013 and so on. After I wanted to use other sources that weren’t just from the school database so I turned to Google Scholar and used more narrow terms such as “Vets return from war turning to opioids”. I was able to find articles that helped me specify even down to the Vets tours being in Afghanistan or Iraq. I also was able to find the cost of treatment and just how prevalent this has been in the last few years. I also took articles from the Maxwell Library and searched them on Google Scholar to be able to read more into them and elaborate on the info I was able to obtain before. An article by Desai dating back to 2008 was able to tell me that Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and substance-use disorders frequently co-occur in clinical and community samples. Which helped me to know the information I was obtaining from these sites was accurate and helpful in my research for my paper

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