Throughout the Ancient Olympic games, religion played an extremely influential role, and impended its development over time. Depictions of the Greek gods and goddesses are seen across a large amount of found artefacts created in the Ancient Olympic era. These depictions also clearly display the development throughout history of religion and beliefs in association with the games. The importance of the religious festival was high on the society, and was displayed across their currency around this time. These were used to commemorate the significance of the festival, and featured many aspects that related to other important factors in Greek society.…
These factors continue to influence the games today and they are constantly evolving as time progresses. In order to more fully comprehend the factors that helped shape the Olympic Games in the 20th century, an additional document such as a male competitor’s opinion of having females perform in the Olympic Games. This document could show the opinion of a male athlete and could be compared to the opinion of Hassiba Boulmerka (Document 8) and with document 2 to produce a more complete assessment of the social factors, in particular, that shaped the modern Olympics. Another document that would be helpful in assessing the factors shaping the modern Olympics could be a document containing views on the Olympics from ordinary middle class citizens in various host countries. Middle class citizens probably would be able to give a reliable idea of what the Olympics are like and could describe major elements that impact the games.…
The Olympic gold medal represents the greatest achievement for athletes in modern day Olympics. The winning athlete receives a personal victory for their physical abilities and training, and it is also a victory for their family and country. The successful athlete catapults to another level of great honor, and duly earns respect for their victory when engaged in Olympic competition. Pindar’s epinician poetry celebrated Greek ethos during ancient Olympics. The victorious athletes of Pindar’s time achieved great honor and respect during competition through epinikia (Kyle 194).…
This quote provided information that many people did not like the poetry part of the competition due to such a large number of worthy competitors for the Games. The Olympics were first created in ancient Greece and the very first Olympic Games were held in Athens in 776 B.C. This contest, mainly for men, consisted of all physical activities such as running, jumping, and wrestling. Other events included javelin and eventually chariot races, horseback riding, and boxing (Miller). The Olympics were very famous in the times of ancient Greeks and buildings and monuments were built just for this occasion.…
Not very many people know that the Olympics were an important part of Greek history. No other country had anything like it. The Ancient Olympic Games were an important and interesting part of Greek history because it influenced Greek art, it affected Roman relations with the Greeks and it inspired the Olympics today. At first the ancient Olympics were only held for one day, but in 472 b.c., it expanded to five events (Middleton 2). The ancient Olympics began in 700 b.c (Middleton 2).…
The sport Gymnastic derived from the early Greek civilization. It consisted of a series of exercises that included jumping, running, swimming, throwing, wrestling and weightlifting. Fitness was a highly valued sport in ancient Greece and men and women participated in gymnastic exercises vigorously. After Rome conquered Greece the gymnasium was used to prepare their troops for war but after the fall of Rome gymnastic became a form of entertainment.…
The ancient Olympics were first held in Olympia, Greece in the year 776 B.C. in order to honor the Greek gods. The games were a way for different Greek cities to compete to see who had the better athlete. After all these centuries, the ancient Olympics have been transformed into the modern version we know of today, but that does not mean they are without similarities. In 776 B.C., the first Olympic Games were held in honor of the Greek gods in Olympia, Greece.…
The Greek Olympic Games were very important to Greek mythology. Lots of people know about these games, but most people have no idea what made it popular, why they came up with it, and what events there were. What made the games so popular? Well, for one, the men competed so they could get fit for military purposes. It was a very religious festival, and people came to worship Zeus and other gods.…
Both versions of the Olympics, ancient and modern, are renowned forms of entertainment, used during different time periods. Though the modern Olympics is based off of the ancient Olympics, many details about the events contrast. During the ancient Olympic Games, all combating would undergo an intermission. This break would begin…
The major benefits that the ancient Olympics had on ancient civilizations was that the sports could have benefited the athletes, by giving them tons of exersize, and also benefiting them by giving them more money if they needed it by winning the Olympic games. So, the olympic games have changed a lot now since the ancient times. It also helped ancient civilization by getting more people to go to the events, and probably giving more money to the Greek empire as well. One more than that it provide to the ancient civilizations would be providing entertainment to the citizens of Greece, or wherever the ancient Olympics are being held.…
Every four-year, Greeks assembled the event called Olympic. The Olympic held the competition between athletes. The athletes competed individually. Even though the games were very individual, the Olympic united Greeks as one nation.…
Sports have been a part of human history since our very existence. Although, the earliest recorded sporting event was around 776 BC during the ancient Greek era. The literature explains that "The Archaic Age (c. 750–500 BC) laid the foundation for modern athletics when athletic festivals complemented earlier funeral games, and by the mid 6th century Olympia (see OLYMPIC GAMES, ANCIENT) was the greatest of the four Panhellenic crown, or stephanitic, games (non-war games of crown festivals), the others being Delphi's Pythian Games, Corinth's Isthmian Games, and Nemea's Nemean Games" ( Oxford dictionary of sports ) and sporting events like "The Athenian games had an expanded gymnastic programme and prizes (initially sacred olive oil…
The Olympic games are an international sport festival that is watched by millions of people across the globe. These special games have developed into something much bigger than entertainment purposes. Instead, they have radically changed world culture by uniting all the people in the world with sport. Competitions featuring the world’s greatest athletes and cultures are present at this special occasion. Although, the games are founded to be cultural, emotional and entertaining, the leading inspiration behind establishing the Olympic games is based off of religion.…
Around 776 BC, the ancient Greeks began a lasting tradition known as the Olympic Games. These games, which were originally devised as a way of uniting the warring Greek states, have continued to promote world harmony throughout modern times. The ancient Olympics were originally located in Olympia, home to the temple of Zeus. This was the chosen location because Olympia was one of the oldest religious centers of the ancient times.…
It is my belief that even though very similar, Ancient Greece has a broader and more vivid culture than modern day Greece. Ancient Greece has many great achievements in government, science, philosophy, and the arts that all still influence us today. Religion over the years in Greece has changed. Ancient Greece’s religion was very accustom to their daily life. People in Ancient Greece were very religious.…