Of Mice And Men Curley's Wife Analysis

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We all know people that are always by themselves or don’t have many people to talk to. We know that they’re lonely, but we still don’t do anything about it. It can make people go crazy. In John Steinbeck’s “Of Mice and Men”, even though most characters are content, loneliness tears Candy, Crooks, and Curley’s Wife apart.
Candy is introduced to the main characters, George and Lennie, when the two arrive at the ranch. He is a kind, and seemingly warm hearted character. He introduces his stinky dog to George and Lennie, stating that he can’t live without him. Candy and his dog provide a parallel to George and Lennie. Candy has to look over his dog to make sure his dog is there for him, just like George and Lennie. His dog was so old, he could barely eat or walk. On page 48, Carlson takes the dog outside and shoots it. Also on page 48, Slim tells Candy, “You can have any one of those pups you want.” Candy didn’t answer. Page 49 quotes, “A shot sounded in the distance. The men looked quickly at Candy. For a moment he continued to stare at the ceiling. Then he rolled slowly over and faced the wall and lay silent.” This shows that Candy knows he is now lonely.
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He is lonely because he’s black and feels as if he doesn’t fit in or feel accepted by the rest of the men. Page 66 states that he lives in a shack on the side of the barn, separated from the other men in the bunkhouse. On pages 71-73, Crooks scares Lennie telling him that George probably won’t return. This shows that an important figure in Crooks’s life left, causing him to become lonely. When Curley’s wife enters the shack, she gets in an argument with Candy, which then leads to Crooks yelling at her to get out of his personal area. Curley’s wife then goes onto tell him that he’s basically no good, and made him feel really bad about himself. This goes to show that loneliness can truly tear people

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