Heroes are people who are above average people who go out of their way to help other people like veterans, men and women who risked their lives so that we could be able to do the things we enjoy in life. Even veterans were around in Ancient Greece. Even Odysseus was a veteran he fought in the trojan war 3000 years ago, and in other times fighting to get back home to his family. A perfect example of a veteran is odysseus from the Odyssey. He travels all around greece on his way from the trojan war.…
Homer, author of The Odyssey, tells a lengthy epic of Odysseus. He is the protagonist of the tale, told to be one of the most heroic Greek heroes. Homer spares nothing while writing one of the most well known Greek stories, making sure Odysseus is portrayed as the amazing hero. The heroic attributes of Odysseus is described implicitly and explicitly. Some examples of how he’s been described as heroic is by his intelligence.…
In the epic poem, The Odyssey by Homer, the main character in this poem is Odysseus. Odysseus was the king of Ithaca and he was an incredible person, everyone in the town loved him as if he was in their family. In the beginning Odysseus and his wife Penelope have a child, but Odysseus’s time is cut short with the child since he had to go to fight in the Trojan War. During the story Odysseus won the Trojan war heroically by trickery. He escapes and hurts a cyclops and survived a horrendous storm.…
Odysseus Is an epic hero because he was determined to get his men home and himself home safely. Odysseus was brave throughout the books like when him and his men stumbled upon the land of the Cyclopes and got captured his men were panicking and didn't know what to do but odysseus kept his cool because he knew he was capable of many things and made two plans and they both worked. Odysseus even got through the seirenes, scylla, and charybdis. As brave as he is, he did what he was suppose to do to get through the challenges he faced in the book. Traits in the book that made odysseus an epic hero was intelligence and he had the ability he knew what he needed to do to get home and how to handle situations that his men didn't know how to.…
Odysseus showed many traits of an anti-hero. He isn't are average strong, and brave hero he had many flaws. We see him many time break down, and be very weak. When we think of heros , they don't really have those moments. They are strong both mentally and physically.…
Odysseus, the fabled hero from The Odyssey, and Che Guevara, the renowned revolutionary, both endure the stages of the hero’s journey of Trials, Allies, and Enemies, the Road Back, and the Supreme Ordeal, however Guevara’s journey gave humanity the strength to fight for one’s values, no matter the consequence. Both of the heroes face the stage of the Trials, Allies, and Enemies. Odysseus faces various tests such as Poseidon drowning him, but thankfully Odysseus makes friends with a mermaid, Nausicaa, and King Alcinoos. All of them help to bring him home. To illustrate, Odysseus describes his journey to Scheria to King Alcinoos, “There I was stranded for seven long years.…
The Odyssey, written by Homer, is an adventurous journey Odysseus experiences on the way back home to Ithaca and Penelope. Odysseus comes across many situations where decisions need to be made in order to find safety. Odysseus has many roles in the Odyssey. Odysseus is known as a soldier and a king, as well as many more things. However, Odysseus was also acknowledged as a trickster, which defines Odysseus as a person and has been an aid in many situations, for when Odysseus encountered the Cyclops, Circe, and the suitors back in Ithaca.…
Odysseus is seen as a hero and leader by all his comrades who returned from the Trojan War. According to his fellow commanders, like Menelaus, he has strength, courage and restraint. In Ithaca, preceding the war, Odysseus was viewed as a kind merciful king, adored by his people. Though when voyaging home, Odysseus displays his stubbornness in making decisions, overcome by the need to gain glory and prestige above all else.…
“ We felt a pressure on our hearts, in dread of that deep rumble and that mighty man. But all the same I spoke up in reply.” ( line 160, p. 377 ) Odysseus was frighten of the giant, the way described in the quote, both Odysseus and his men feared that moment when the Cyclops ask who they were. However Odysseus gained confidence to respond to the…
There are many different definitions of a hero. Many people have opinionated or moral definitions. Some people say that a hero needs to be physically, mentally, and emotionally strong. Others say that a hero needs to be able to protect the things they love. There are many different variations based on peoples’ perspectives over time.…
Odysseus clearly demonstrates the values important to Greek culture. For instance, cleverness is one of the characteristics he is most known for, outsmarting the cyclops is a great demonstration of cleverness;…
In epic The Odyssey written by Homer, a man somewhere in between the world of gods and mortals named Odysseus goes on a 10-year journey in which he leaves his wife Penelope and son Telemachus behind. The challenges he faces while on his journey characterizes him in a visible form that can alter the way a reader experiences The Odyssey. Being able to deceive people, think his way out of tough situations, and to overpower other stronger beings, makes Odysseus an intelligent, clever man who affects the overall understanding of the story by changing the perspective readers have on those he interacts with. Odysseus demonstrates clever thinking when he knocks out the Cyclops Polyphemus with liquor. As Odysseus thinks on his feet to help his crew get out alive, he sarcastically shouts at the Cyclops to try some wine, knowing that it will knock out the cyclops in order for them to escape (“The Cyclops”.…
Joseph Campbell once said, ”the cave you most fear to enter holds the treasure you seek”. This ideology of confronting one 's inner fears through obstacles and becoming more powerful each time, propel the hero of the story to become an epic hero at the end of their journeys of self-discovery. Odysseus in The Odyssey recited by Homer was certainly not exempt from the title of ‘Epic Hero’ due to his skills and his sympathizable traits’ and his fantastical adventures. While some may say The Odyssey is a tale of Odysseus piecing his life together, Odysseus is an epic hero nonetheless for his divine physical and mental abilities, with a wide appeal for his traditional Greek traits such as his yearning for his family and faith. Odysseus is one of…
The whole reason why it takes Odysseus so long to reach home is that Odysseus needs an epic challenge to prove that he is an epic hero. The crew being disloyal on the island of Helios shows Odysseus as the epic hero. On the island of Helios, Odysseus warns his crew and tells them not to eat Apollo’s cattle. “They quickly swore the oath that I required.” (12.328).…
“The Odyssey” is an epic poem that consists of 24 books and is told by the creator, Homer, during the ancient Greek times. All epic poems contain an epic hero, this classifies a specific person as the protagonist of the story that goes above the readers expectations. Odysseus is an epic hero because of his intelligence, bravery, and glory. Odysseus is an epic hero because of the intelligence that he displays throughout the poem. Odysseus shows his intellect by his ability to think under an immense amount of pressure.…