For this interview, I asked questions not only to Natalia, but to both of her parents and her younger brother, Alexis*. Answers were similar from all interviewee’s.
Natalia’s Interview
First, I began with Natalia. Before interviewing her, I took her out for lunch and let her decide where to eat, we ate at Chick-Fil-A. Once we finished lunch, we came back to her house where we began the interviewing process. I wanted to make sure she felt comfortable and make this process not as serious. So in doing so, I asked her to draw while I was asking questions and she gladly accepted. I first asked her to draw herself and something she liked, (Figure 1). I then asked ask …show more content…
Beginning with the formal operations stage in Piaget’s theory. Natalia is able to think abstractly due to this part in her cognitive development. She then showed the identity-versus-identity-confusion stage in Erikson’s theory, because she knows that she has gotten taller and it bugs her. Also, she acknowledges that at her age, she should not be taking so much responsibility at home such as always taking care of little sister, making sure her brother has food to eat, etc. In conclusion, I enjoyed observing and interviewing Natalia and her family. It gave me an idea of what I will be doing in the future and understanding the emotions, issues and development children will go through during this time in