Night By Elie Wiesel: Literary Analysis

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Auschwitz, a concentration/labor camp where innocent Jews die for no reason. Three works of Auschwitz, Night by survivor named Elie Wiesel, One Day in Auschwitz a video about a lady surviving Auschwitz, and an “Auschwitz” article sharing the facts and experiences about the events. All telling about traumatic events that happened. The authors, in all three works, illustrate, show and write all the horrible details the Jews went through, within the walls of Auschwitz. Despite the use of point of view, the authors give us an insight to the stories and videos of Auschwitz.
In the book Night by a survivor named Elie Wiesel, it is written in 1st person. Elie shares his horrible encounters of spending most of his life in Auschwitz. “The Jews of Sighet-

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