Chapter 6 clarified how I define a successful negotiation, which is that I do seek effective relationships as part of a successful negotiation. Win-win agreements maximize whatever negotiators care about, weather it’s money, relationships, trust, or peace of mind (123). I clearly value relationships and trust. When it came to establishing trust, and building a relationship during the New Recruit, I struggled as I went into the negation with expectations and ultimately it did not go as I imagined it. At first I was displeased. However, after thinking about it further and reading chapter 6, I understand that I cannot predict future negotiations, therefore, I need to prepare for the worst-case scenario and for me that means my need for relationships may not always be fruitful. As I mentioned, I was displeased, but now I realize what mechanisms make me weak, which will allow me to be aware going forward.
Chapter 6 discussed many great mechanisms and ways to build relationships, but I would argue it’s equally important not to get stuck on one particular need, as I did. You have to be flexible, …show more content…
I experienced distrust, because my perspective of my opponent was that he was only concerned with his needs, therefore, to my fault, I felt defensive, which is not a trait I want to have as a future master negotiator. I stated, “You do not seem to care about my needs”, I should have worded that differently looking back, it does sound defensive. A better response would have been “My intentions are to find areas we have shared values; therefore, I would like to know yours and in return share mine, I’m sure we have shared interests