As part of the representatives of Twin Lakes Mining Company, our objective was to achieve higher investments with more than 132 point values for the final agreement. The value is the currency which represents the future opportunity costs and revenues for each issue. The higher points we could obtain, the more profitable investments could be achieved. In addition, we also needed to consider helping the improvements of the town.
In my opinion, the order of the issues was not negotiated because the bargaining was mainly an interest-based negotiation where we perceived the interdependence as mutual. …show more content…
The bargaining process began with both parties stated their willingness to negotiate and to reach the mutual benefits. They acknowledged each other interdependence and contribution that were produced from their relationship. Therefore, we could see that their motivation was primarily to maximize joint outcome. Also, this situation described a key attitude in collaborative negotiation, which tried to address the best solution for both sides, not as a win-lose negotiation. We could see that they did not show meaningful aggressiveness while negotiating, and instead, they shared information and treat each other with understanding and respect. The initial discussion reflected an openness in negotiation as they were listening to each other actively and working together to explore alternatives. They also conveyed their real needs as they were seeking and responding to needs of another