The first song was called Joy Ride. It started of very strong with crashing cymbals and a loud drum. It was very powerful and had really good harmony all together. The second song was called Regrets and Resolutions. It started off very peaceful and quiet with flutes and clarinets.…
Paragraph 1-Song-Let it Snow The reason I picked this song is pretty self explanatory. I picked this song because in the beginning of the book when Percy ’s…
The portrayal of the Sirens and their luring but destructive song is compared in both Homer's Odyssey and Margaret Atwood's poem Siren Song as being tempting and treacherous to the sailors. Through the use of an ominous tone and the point of view of both the sailors and the Sirens,both authors share a common portrayal of the Sirens song as being destructive to both of them. In the Odyssey,the Odysseus are warned by their leader about the Sirens song. In the leaders point of view, the Sirens song is said to have his, "heart inside me throbbed to listen longer."…
Biblical Allusions “Viva La Vida” alludes to a parable given by Jesus about a fool who built his house on sand and a man who built his house on rock. The song says “And I discovered that my castles stand. Upon pillars of salt, pillars of sand” because in the Bible the fool did not listen to Jesus and built his house on sand and it fell when rain came unlike the man’s house built on rock (salt). Pillars of salt is also a reference to Genesis 19:26, in which Lot’s wife was told if she looked back she would be turned into a pillar of salt, which she did and was, as promised, turned into a pillar of salt.…
The Florentine Codex started in the 16th century in Mesoamerica by Franciscan friar Bernardino de Sahagun. This consist of 2,400 pages organized into twelve books. It is in Nahuatl, Spanish, and pictorials. The final version of the Florentine Codex was finished in 1569.the book twelve in the Florentine Codex are written in the following way: 1. Religious beliefs 2.…
“The psychic shiver the Sgt Peppers sent through the world was nothing less than a cinematic dissolve from one zeitgeist to another”. MacDonald, I. (1994) Revolution in the head Fourth estate P220. The Beatles appeal to all generations young and old. They are unique in so many ways and had the amazing ability to listen to what was happening around them in popular music and respond to it.…
Biblical Imagery - Didn’t My Lord Deliver Daniel The spiritual titled, Didn’t My Lord Deliver Daniel, is a narrative and song that spans over many centuries. Enslaved Africans would sing this song as a sign of faith in God despite their oppressed situation. The lyrics of the song are in response to the horrific nature of the life of slavery and the overwhelming desire to part from it. Slaves had a spiritual connection with God and although they were suffering, they knew Jesus Christ and celebrated by singing of the promise that someday they would be freed.…
We Didn’t Start The Fire was one of the most powerful songs in 1989, written by no other than Billy Joel. The number one hit mentions some famous events between the years of 1949 and 1989. In 1949 was when the singer was born and in 1989 was when the song was released. We Didn’t Start The Fire was nominated for record of the year at the Grammy Awards and was also number one in the United States at that time. But that’s not all the song was noticed for.…
Marlena Houck Professor Christopher Schmersahl ENC 1101 9/18/14 Appreciating Art: Rough Draft “In the Arms of an Angel” by Sarah McLachlan is one of the most beautiful and moving songs that has ever been sung. It has proven to be a remarkable piece of art since its release in 1997 because of its enduring use in many different settings. It is delivered in an attention getting manner with simple melodic tones and little background music.…
Slaughterhouse by Esteban Echeverría and National Rock of the late 1960’s to around 1976 are both considered political platforms which use subliminal underlinings for the authors or musicians to express their dislike for the current political situation during these times. The rock movement and Slaughterhouse were more than a hundred years apart which illustrates that subtle political advocacy has continued to be used a platform over time in Argentina. In addition, Slaughterhouse was written in 1839 but did not come out until 1871 after the political unrest. National Rock survived throughout 1967 to 1976. Argentine people have always used arts and literature as a way to speak out against political leaders or regimes.…
The song, “Viva la Vida”, by the British band Coldplay represents the beginning of the story, Anthem, by Ayn Rand and protagonist Equality 7-2521’s hopes to become a Scholar and the misery he faces with being chosen as a Street Sweeper. In the song, Equality says that everyone is else is equal besides “we, Equality 7-2521, who were born with a curse” (20). By aspiring to become a Scholar when he is fifteen, this future rebel desires to break his sui generis curse and start a new life. He mentions that the dark-age “modern” technology of his dimension comes from the government-appointed Scholars, such as “how to make candles from wax and string; also, how to make glass” (24). Unique among others, he wants to revive the technology prior to the…
It is easy to believe that attaining peace in this world where violence and wars are so apparent is getting much harder. Perhaps to the point in which it is verging on the impossible. ‘Eve of Destruction’ expresses a strong but heartfelt warning towards how our hypocrisy as a society is edging us closer to our own demise . The writer, P.F Slogan, addresses both the solider and society singing about being on the ‘eve of destruction’. He wrote, “You’re old enough to kill but not for voting”, “you don’t believe in war, then what’s that gun your totin.”…
Hey Ms Mac, I have some problems with the Niagara Song Project that I would like to express. The main and very simple issue is that it isn't organized to weave in a three dimensional narrative, themes, or coherent message but it is too organized to enable creativity. There are some days we do very little and have no direction (i.e. the days we formed chords, the singers had nothing to do and the guitarists couldn't maintain effort or enthusiasm). Even when we are supervised by the teacher the class is very stagnant and unmotivated. Today, some people that just drew or wrote poems completely unrelated to class material.…
Have you ever heard a song that has impacted your life? Songs are a form of art that allows artists to express their feelings in a form of music. Songs can be interrupted in many ways; some songs have a more literal meaning, while other songs require you to interpret the lyrics to understand the deeper meaning. Artists often use figurative, metaphorical, and poetic elements in their songs to help develop the overall message. The use of figurative terms in a song leaves the interpretation of the song broad and allows the listener to have their own meaning of the song.…
The song is focused around the mountain. Mountain shows an example of imagery. “There's always going to be another mountain, i'm always gonna wanna make it move”(Miley Cyrus). This shows that in life there might be obstacles that are really big that everyone wants to accomplish. But they have to set their mind to it.…