Mouse Epigenetic Lab Report

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Epigenetics described basically is how environmental factors can change the health not only of the people who are exposed to them, but also the health of other generations to come. Epigenetic changes are altercations of DNA, which happen without any changes in the original DNA sequence but can control whether a gene is expressed and how much of a particular message is made. Every cell in our body has the same DNA sequence but different genes are turned on or off to make our different tissues, such as muscle or liver (Anon., n.d.). As DNA is expended during development, it gets copied. When copying occurs, the things you are experiencing – what you eat, the toxins you are exposed to – can stop that copy machine from working properly.
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Experiments in mice show just how important a mother's diet is in shaping the epigenome of her offspring. All mammals have a gene called agouti. An unmethylated agouti gene of a mouse gives the mouse a yellow coat and it is obese and prone to diabetes and cancer. When the agouti gene is methylated (as it is in normal mice), the coat colour is brown and the mouse has a low disease risk. There is no difference in the genome of fat yellow mice and brown skinny mice. The fat yellow mice are different because they have an epigenetic …show more content…
A chemical compound used to make hard plastics, BPA can be found in food containers, baby bottles, and the lining of cans, it may cause changes in the way hormones work in our bodies. Developing foetuses and young children are the most vulnerable to it. BPA exposure can be reduced by breastfeeding to avoid using baby bottles, choosing BPA-free bottles when you do use them, not microwaving food in plastic containers (heat can cause BPA to be released), and limiting your use of canned foods.
Mercury. The chemical element is associated with developmental delays, so it is important for pregnant women to steer clear. One of the easiest ways to do so is to limit your intake of tuna to less than 6 ounces per week.
Radiation Ionizing. Radiation, such as that produced by X-rays and computed tomography (CT) scans can potentially harm a developing foetus, particularly in the early weeks of pregnancy. Though many diagnostic tests will not cause a problem, doctors usually try to limit exposure to unnecessary radiation during pregnancy or take important precautions, such as using a lead apron, during medically necessary

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