The delivery, organization and persuasive techniques used in Mother Teresa’s speech inspire others to reach out and help the poor as well.
Mother Teresa was able to capture the attention of the audience for the entirety of the speech. Mother Teresa spoke for nineteen minutes, but her presentation made it feel only a few minutes long. She was able to keep the audience interested with her gestures, the delivery of her speech and the atmosphere she creates with her words and appearance makes this speech effective. Mother Teresa uses gestures and eye contact to keep the audience engaged. She uses subtle hand gestures to …show more content…
Mother Teresa uses the topical pattern because it is similar to how a natural conversation flows. She delivers her speech as if she is talking to an individual person. This method is great for speakers who want to connect with their audience; however it is easy to drift away from the main topic points. For Mother Teresa, however, this was not a problem. With every main point she gave, she told a story and was able to connect it back to her main message. After the end of her speech, the audience was left with her main message of tending to the needs of your neighbors out of love for them, because after every story, she would connect it back to that main idea. This topical pattern was the most appropriate for her speech because it allowed her to connect to the emotions of the