Montag's Impact On Fahrenheit 451

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Montag plays a key role in Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. Montag’s job is to burn books, and he enjoys doing it. Throughout the novel Montag realizes burning books may not be a good thing. How does Bradbury change Montag throughout the novel? Montag’s interactions with others, the impact his job had on him and his relationship with Granger and Faber really influenced his change throughout the novel. In this essay I am going to tell you how those things influenced Montag throughout Fahrenheit 451.
In the novel Montag’s interactions with others really influenced his changes. During a conversation with Clarisse, a 17-year old girl, she told Montag, “fireman used to put out fires rather that start them.” That conversation with Clarisse made Montag curious. When the fireman were called to a house Montag stole a book, and witnessed a woman burn with her books, that made Montag realize that burning books may be wrong. During a conversation with Mildred, Montag’s wife, Montag says, “there must be something in books things we can’t imagine to make a woman stay in a burning house.” That statement was one of the first moments that Montag was starting to change he no longer thought burning books was fun. In conclusion, the interactions with
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At first, Montag loved to burn houses he makes statements like, “it was a pleasure to burn”, and he wanted to “shove a marshmallow on a stick” in front of the burning house, and went to bed with a “fiery smile still gripped by his face muscles.” Montag starts questioning his job as he starts talking to Clarisse, he starts asking questions about the people whose houses he burns. The next house Montag burns instead of wanting to toast marshmallows, he is highly disturbed and goes home and can’t sleep. Montag even took it upon himself to stay home faking like he was sick. In conclusion, Montag’s job, the one he loved so much, was starting to change

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