The original purpose of the is shown when old man warner says, “lottery in June, corn be heavy soon,” and the reason the people do the lottery now is shown when the author states the people lost most of the ritual. In the beginning this violent activity had a purpose, but people as people continued to do this practice, they started to forget the most important part of it and only did it as a daily routine or exciting activity. Therefore, the people could not see how brutal this event is, they are unaware of their brutal tradition. Who knows when they will ever stop this
The original purpose of the is shown when old man warner says, “lottery in June, corn be heavy soon,” and the reason the people do the lottery now is shown when the author states the people lost most of the ritual. In the beginning this violent activity had a purpose, but people as people continued to do this practice, they started to forget the most important part of it and only did it as a daily routine or exciting activity. Therefore, the people could not see how brutal this event is, they are unaware of their brutal tradition. Who knows when they will ever stop this