textbook and watched a video in the class. We watched the video from the Crash Course
channel on YouTube, the video is called the Crash Course World History series, entitle
“Mesopotamia” in episode 3. Which is taught by a man, John Green. The main ideas in this
video is about Mesopotamia; John talked about Cities and States, Kingdom, and Empire in
mostly. So, I’m going to review about what I’ve learned from this video.
In early Mesopotamia cities and states engaged in a form of socialism.
Mesopotamia located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, but this area wasn’t good.
They had nature unpredictable; they always got a lot of nature disasters such as flood and horrible drought. …show more content…
Later, the cities and states were control by the kings that shifted from the gods, the king started out as military leaders. One of the legacies of the new Mesopotamia is the enduring conflict between country and city. The showdown between country and city, the city wins. City is where the power is and country is where people grew the food.
Mesopotamia city and state had the government and every city had their own king. The king and priests haven’t produced food themselves. They used their power for get stuffs from people and demanded food from farmer as taxes. People need to gave taxes to the government. They also had writing, and it caused to had classes distinction between people, history and employment. And they were trading and they developed the world’s first territorial kingdom. The cities and states period in Mesopotamia ended around 2,000
BCE, because drought and nomads can come in and take over easy from the rivers and mountains. After the city and states ended, it became the birth of territorial kingdoms; John