First Civilization Chapter 3 Summary

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Chapter 3: First Civilizations-Cities, States, and Unequal Societies, 3500 BCE to 500 BCE Questions:
1. When and where did the First Civilizations emerge?
• Much like agriculture, emerging civilizations were a global phenomenon. They first became evident in three specific locations (from 3500 B.C.E to 3000 B.C.E.) in Mesopotamia, the Egyptian Nile River valley, and Norte Chico.
• Following this, the next three specific civilizations emerged. By 2000 (to 1,200) B.C.E, the Indus Valley, China, and The Olmec had all appeared.
2. What accounts for the initial breakthroughs to civilizations?
• Civilizations were rooted in the Agricultural Revolution. Large societies couldn’t have been supported otherwise; it was up to man to create his own resources.
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However, it was hard for them to move elsewhere and the winner’s society recruited their men as members of the lower class. Powerful states, and therefore civilizations, were essentially established through combat.
3. What was the role of cities in the early civilizations?
• The first cities had political and administrative (bureaucratic) centers, beautiful architecture (living spaces-houses and apartments, temples, etc.), and prominent culture (art, literature, rituals, and ceremonies.) Cities also had marketplaces (for local and more distant exchange.)
4. In what ways was social inequality expressed in early civilizations?
• Within civilizations, life became impersonal. Class was suddenly a hugely important concept, at the same level as village loyalty had been in previous times.
• Upper class enjoyed their own wealth (land or income), they avoided labor while perusing the most well-regarded and dignified careers. They wore beautiful clothing and lived in magnificent houses.
• The lowest of the hierarchies, the slaves, worked hard. They weaved, worked in the canals, or as servants. They were powerless, trapped, and owned.
5. In what ways have historians tried to explain the origins of

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