Mesopotamia and Egypt have numerous religious similarities and differences. Both cultures of polytheistic, but they have a different number of gods and how they worship them. Mesopotamians only worshiped the gods like gods, but Egyptians also worshiped pharaohs as gods. Both cultures had human-like gods. Anubis had a dogs head and a humans body in Egypt, and in Mesopotamia Anu was just a humanoid with abilities. Even though both cultures spent a majority of their time worshiping and doing various tasks for the
Mesopotamia and Egypt have numerous religious similarities and differences. Both cultures of polytheistic, but they have a different number of gods and how they worship them. Mesopotamians only worshiped the gods like gods, but Egyptians also worshiped pharaohs as gods. Both cultures had human-like gods. Anubis had a dogs head and a humans body in Egypt, and in Mesopotamia Anu was just a humanoid with abilities. Even though both cultures spent a majority of their time worshiping and doing various tasks for the