The sculpture of Menkaure and a Queen was built around 2490-2472 BCE. The original sculpture of Augustus of Primaporta is believed to have been built around 20 BCE. These pieces of art were created in different periods and places. Throughout time there has been a similarity between civilizations everywhere. This is the want and need for leadership. In each community there has been a leader of some sort. While some of the leaders have similarities there are unique qualities that each society considered important and portrayed in their art. Menkaure and a Queen shows a king and a queen standing side by side. Important ideals were calmness, dignity, and permanence during this period. It portrays strong, unwavering power through its simplicity. Menkaure is standing with one foot ahead of the other in a dignified pose. They are both very compact with straight limbs. Menkaure is shown in the prime of his youth, portraying his muscularity and athletic body. His queen is in a similar pose, but she is embracing him, not leading him. They faces are serious and serene portraying confidence and permanence. There is balance in the sculpture emphasizing calmness. The king wears a fake …show more content…
It represented an early, mature, and typical gothic style. The major change during this period was pointed arches and exterior flying buttresses. These changes allowed for a three story building. It also included a triforium. This cathedral used ribbed groin vaults, which are crossed barrel vaults. This caused a skeleton look inside the church making the cathedral to look higher than it actually was. The structure allowed taller, thinner, and more stable walls than Santiago. The design of this cathedral was highlighted by the marble statues and stained glass windows. The growing popularity of religion created a constant need for more space and more intricacy which resulted in many changes during each