Erica Rodriguez
April 3rd, 2017
Allyson Wells
Technology has become very popular the last century. Most of us own or have owned a smartphone, tablet, laptop or even a smartwatch to help us communicate with others faster and more efficiently. Maybe you watched this morning, or perhaps you read the newspaper? I can admit that when I'm taking my breaks, I skim through the internet and that is where most of my news comes from. I have noticed that many of us do this, and it seems like social media has become the hot spot for people all around the world. It can be hard to determine credibility when you are getting your information on the internet, and people use the internet to voice their opinions and …show more content…
The influence of the media should not underestimated. If you are media literate, you can help other people understand the media better and become more aware of what information they are getting from the internet. I think being able to free your mind is also part of being media literate because being media literate means being able to access, analyze and study our information that we receive from the media. If you are media literate, you will be able to use the technology tools that are available for us and be able to think and speak and be confident about it. I have noticed that the media has also been introduced to teenagers and kids in school, which has its pros and cons but being media literate can benefit a student. Students can gain social skills by sharing ideas, teamwork, and communication.
Everyone has their own views on the media and technology, which is completely fine. It works for some people and for others it does not. I think it has to do with the individual and what experiences they got from using technology. I believe that technology will only continue to improve as time goes on and I feel that is important to stay connected so that you can stay aware of the resources around