Mary Sherry In Praise Of The F Word Summary

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Can Failure Lead to Success? In the article “In Praise of the F Word” by Marry Sherry,Sherry argues for the need to be able to fail students. Sherry argues for the threat of failure as means of motivation for students. Sherry argues kids don’t value education as much as adults do and need motivation. Sherry also argues that if it worked in the past it will work today. In Sherry’s “In Praise of the F Word, one controversial issue has been flunking students to influence them to care about their grades. Sherry argues that children aren’t as mature enough as adults to care about their education. I disagree because some children actually do care about their education as much as an adult might. Of course some might object that children aren’t developed in maturity enough to care as much as adults do. Although I concede that children can be less mature than adults to understand, I still maintain that not all children are immature, some children care deeply about their grades as much as an adult would such as students who take AP courses or studious students in general. …show more content…
Marry Sherry argues if it worked back then it will work today. My view is that is may not work today because times have changed. This is not to say that failing students won’t work today, it just might not work as much. Back then if a student failed in would motivate them to study from their books more because that was the only source of information. Today with the internet if a student were to fail it might push them cheat.Student would cheat because if they were being overwhelmed by their grades they would seek any means possible to bring up their grades. Back then students would study harder because the internet wasn’t available to them, but today a student can easily search the answers to their math homework on google or plagiarize an essay they found

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