According to the twenty-eighth thesis, “it is certain that when moneyclinks in the money chest, greed and avarice can be increased; but when the Church intercedes,the result is in the hands of God alone” (Wilson 373).Luther was exposing those in the CatholicChurch who told untruths about religious and moral matters to boost their own authority andsqueeze extensive amounts of money out of the rich and the poor. These greed propelled actswould not be forgiven through indulgences, but would be answered for when these corrupt andpowerful members of the Catholic Church faced God himself. This extortion meant that only therich could afford to pay these massive amounts regarding religious matters, while the poor couldbuy them, but would suffer great loss to the comfort and happiness of their families. “Then theyhad to watch the proceeds from the practice build the most extravagant, even profligate ofprojects in Rome” (Sayre 264). One of these extravagant projects included the Basilica of St.Peter under Pope Leo X, which was rebuilt with indulgence monies collected by the Church.…