Part of Hugo Munsterberg’s contribution to behavioral management was that psychologists could contribute to industry by studying and determining which people are best suited for particular jobs (Kinicki & Williams, 2013). This goes hand in hand with One Smooth Stone’s strategy of making sure that the interpersonal skills and personality of their employee matches up directly with clients. Mary Parker Follett played a huge part in the development of behavioral management as well, suggesting that organizations should be run as communities, with managers working alongside their employees instead of delegating orders. Her belief was that power should not be delegated, but instead could be grown and developed by managers giving employees opportunities to establish effective relationships with others and demonstrating a stake in the enterprise (Miller & Vaughan, 2001). This sense of empowerment is exemplified by One Smooth Stone’s elimination of departments and the wider sense of control enabled to its employees. Perhaps the biggest influence on the management structure of One Smooth Stone is the modern management approach of contingency. The contingency viewpoint places emphasis on the uniqueness of every situation, the main belief being that a manager’s approach to any situation will vary depending on the individual and the environment. Since the management structure is not well defined and the needs and requests of the clients are ever changing, this contingency viewpoint must be used …show more content…
The classical approach of scientific management is employed by my company as well, but a much stronger administrative stance is taken. There is a well-defined hierarchy of authority and set of formal rules and procedures as well as a clear division of labor. The use of systems management is also highly emphasized with multiple inputs communicating and relaying customer feedback to one another, while at the same time, working together to produce, assemble, and install