Academic Leo Strauss explains that Machiavelli wrote the Discourses to promote the imitation of ancient republics. Machiavelli longed for the rebirth of ancient republicanism . The Discourses also presents a perspective on both republics and principalities. As an example, Machiavelli explains, “rarely, if ever, does it happen that …show more content…
However, in inducing the transition to a stable republic, the ruler becomes the founding father and will be recognized and glorified as an important figure. This will continue after his death . This goal remains self-interested because of the significant political capital that the leader would receive.
Machiavelli operationalizes The Prince as a prerequisite to achieve the republic that he endorses in the Discourses. The Prince is the antidote for the restoration of order and the Discourses is the preservation of liberty. A prince can either experience a downfall and thus a republic will be born, or a prince can willingly pursue a republican route once the foundations are set. In both scenarios, the republic from the Discourses is the final means. Although, in the event that the leader experiences a downfall, it is conceivable that Machiavelli was attempting to undermine princes to an extent in The