Macbeth The Great Chain Of Being Essay

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Viewing a play does not just entertain but it reveals the writer's intentions and attitude of the current society the play is set in. Macbeth, written by world renowned playwright William Shakespeare, discusses a way of life, the Great Chain of Being, in the story. Macbeth is a general, who was under the influence of false prophesying witches, had the desire to become king through the murder of the current King Duncan. This is a problem as Shakespeare believes that Macbeth has disrupted how life should be lived by becoming king. In the era of Shakespeare, the Great Chain of Being is an ideology where everything in the universe is placed in a hierarchical order by how much 'spirit' they possess. The highest of the order is God while the lowest …show more content…
Macbeth's subconscious decision to break the Great Chain of Being led him to be killed in the end, as he neglected to live by the order of his position in the hierarchical order. Shakespeare believes that if you break the Great Chain of Being, you will be chastised heavily; this instructed the audience to follow the way life should be lived. Under the influences and taken strongly by his desire, Macbeth was satisfied that his future is set as king. Moreover, another meeting with the witches gave Macbeth the information which he wanted to hear: "none of woman born / Shall harm Macbeth", a reassuring knowledge which Macbeth believes but it's just a false information. Soon enough Malcolm, the son of King Duncan, and his friend Macduff, attacks Macbeth to revenge his father and to dethrone the mentally unstable King. Suddenly Macduff reveals in battle he "was from his mother's womb / Untimely ripped" and Macbeth comprehends he has been tricked. His actions has failed to live the life he should have, ending his life killed by a man who's born by cesarean section. The story line indicates to the audience of the consequences when the Great Chain of Being is disregarded and not adhered

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