One of the poems in the first section, “Tribe. Clan” gives two stanzas that exchange pain and lust. Komunyakaa writes war related terms like “Tribe. Clan./ Squad. Platoon. Company. Battalion… (Komunyakaa 10)” to demonstrate the unstoppable traumatic effects the soldier fac-es post war time. From Goldstein’s point of view, “Esprit de corps”(10) applies the connection with a strong sexual urge (Goldstein 1369), which forms a concept of lust into the next stanza. In the second stanza of this sonnet, Komunyakaa writes “Sometimes I hold you like Achilles’ shield” …show more content…
They will always need someone to lean on for comfort wheth-er it is for lust or true love. Moreover the second stanza illustrates the man war talks in his sleep as a consequence of his trauma because the wounds are still fresh despite the time that has passed and the comfort he seeks in his woman. To this day, soldiers from all over the world are united within their equivalent goal and are forever united with the same goal and attachment to what they believe in. “Grenade” and “Clay Army” has a relation to one another because in “Clay Ar-my”, those clay figures has been put together, sharing and connecting to each one another, none-theless of their physically separated bodies; where as Grenade points out the body doesn 't belong to only oneself because soldiers are not stubborn and selfish, just like the clay