Jazz In The 1920s Essay

Superior Essays
The Roaring 20s definitely roared back in the day. Filled with fun nights and music, the 1920s decade revolutionized jazz. Jazz not only changed the music industry, but also the way the world celebrated life.
Jazz started out as a combination of ragtime and blues. People also state that it sounded like a bit of brass band and syncopated music. No one really knows where the word ‘jazz’ originated, but there are many theories. One theory states that jazz’s name stemmed from a musician named Jazbo Brown, famous in the Mississippi River Valley. Some said that the audience of Brown would yell out “More, Jazbo! More, Jaz, more” (Southern, 1971)! No matter where the word came from, African American ensembles just kept playing their blues-rag music. Also, no real evidence existed of them ever referring to their music as ‘jazz’ (Southern, 1971).
By the mid 1920s, Jazz spread all over America. Radio and phonograph records helped spread jazz to even the most remote, lonely places. They also helped the upcoming, talented jazz musicians gain a name in the music industry. People made up new dances to keep up with the upbeat music of jazz and ragtime. Dances like the shimmy, turkey trot, buzzard cope, chicken starch, monkey glide, and the bunny hug were inspired from African type of dances (Scott, 2006).
Jazz wouldn’t
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We all found it amusing for a little while at first; it was like a new cocktail. But when the novelty of it had worn off, musical people became sick and tired of it. I doubt whether a single musician of any standing could now be found in my country to say a good word for it. As music the thing has simply become an infernal nuisance and an unmitigated bore. It is solely its popularity for dancing purposes that keeps it in the public eye and ear; it is still unequaled as a medium by which fair women may perspire in the arms of brave

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